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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    as if a glass could contain the sea; any
    With summer drawing close to its end, Warrick can feel the slight twinge of autumn on the breeze, the heat and humidity giving way to a clear, crisp wind that brushes gently against his auburn skin. He walks with Amet, like two old friends that have reunited, charmed by the young stallion’s conversational skills as well as his welcoming and bright spirit. He does not know Amet’s story, but if he were to ever learn it, Warrick would be sure to be impressed by the way the stallion carries himself.

    As they travel closer to the small lake, murmuring quietly to themselves as their conversation grows. Amet admits he has never seen a volcano and the older stallion cannot help the gentle curve of a smile that begins to pull at his indigo lips. “There is really nothing like it,” he replies quietly, his voice breathless and almost dream-like as it leaves him, the sound rumbling in his chest. Another sound interrupts their conversation, and though the crystal blue of his eyes were on the lake before him, he immediately could place the voice that carries on the wind. The bay stallion lifts his head, a soft snort leaving his nostrils as he turns to follow Amet’s gaze.

    The sight of her causes his nostrils to flutter as a deep nicker leaves him, something he could not have helped if he had tried, his ears pricking in eagerness. He turns and moves in step beside Amet, but he has long forgotten about the glimmering bronze stallion at his side. The bright depths of his blue eyes do not leave the golden and white painted figure of Tang as she moves forward to meet them, searching her body and eyes for anything that would cause concern. Of course, there was nothing. There she was, bright and shining as she had been the day she left Tephra. The smile that finds his lips is one that ignites his eyes, sparkling happily, as she stands before him.

    She was not just a dream that he had made up months ago; she is real, and only breaths away from him.

    He realizes that it is not just him and Tang like it had been when they danced under the volcano. The voice of Amet brings him back to reality, his ears flicking back almost embarrassedly. “Not so much a surprise,” he says with a slight tremble of his deep voice, his eyes watching as Amet brushes his glittering lips against her in greeting. “Only a promise kept.”

    Warrick takes a step forward, pressing his muzzle against the two-tones of her cheek. His heart pounds fervently, his smile inerasable as it finds him once again, inhaling her scent deeply. She smells different now, laced with fresh water and soft grass, but it was still hers. He lingers on her cheek for what have may been a moment too long, before bringing his chin to his chest and clearing his throat. His gaze hesitates and then turns to Amet, now suddenly unsure.

    Quickly regaining his composure, the stallion tosses his head casually, throwing a glance to Amet. “I’m sure she’s given you a world of trouble, right?”
    like the sun,
    swallowed up by the earth

    omggggg, awkwaaaaard :3

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: as if a glass could contain the sea; any - by Warrick - 06-12-2017, 07:11 PM

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