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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    call me the world's sexiest killing machine; khari, anybody
    Khari was quieter than usual, and it was quieter in her head than it usually was when her Khari was near. But Kali didn’t let his quiet mood bring her down, no sir! She still scampered and played on the waves, even if he didn’t scamper and play with her. And maybe when they got home she could cuddle him? Cuddles were good for sad, right? Ohhh maybe she could even talk him into a ‘venture, just the two of them. That could be great fun, it could!

    Resolved to have a good time on their ‘venture with Daddy, she smiled and snuggled up against her Khari just for a moment, and then played on the water ‘til Daddy told her it was time to not be on the water for a little while. And even though that made her feel all tickly in her belly and wobbly in her legs after so much time on the waves, she still followed him to the border and cooperated all nice-like. Called out, and waited for an answer from somebody who lived where she’d almost lived, if life had gone differently.

    But that was a thought for another time. It wasn’t long before someone answered her call. Oh, and he was quite handsome! Kali’s eyes widened with delight as the stranger who lived at the lake slid out from between some pretty, drapey trees all covered in lavender flowers. Lavender like her hair, and like her Khari, and like her daddy! Ohhh, pretty! But also, the boy, he was shiny like Daddy, but different. Not their lavender and white, not her soft grey, but his own shiny gold and bronze, like the sun was shining from his skin almost.

    And he was properly awed by how pretty the three of them were, too, so he had to be smart. Normally Kali would hide behind her daddy or her big brother when a stranger approached, but this one’s wide-eyed wonder and his shiny--oh wait, were those scales? Instead of hiding like usual, Kali bounced forward, a happy prance in her step, to get a closer look at the boy’s shiny scaly skin.

    “Kali.” Aww. Scrunching up her face, Kali stopped and looked back at her daddy, at his raised brows and his pointed stare, and at the tiny smirk playing at one corner of his mouth. Man. Waiting was hard. But they did have to see to the formalities, apparently. Like asking if they could come in. So she wrinkled her nose and sighed, and hopped over to Khari’s side to snuggle up against him and rub her face on his shoulder.

    Daddy nodded, and then smiled at the shiny scaled boy, Amet. “It’s nice to meet you, Amet. My name is Kerberos, and I rule Ischia along with my friend Reilly and my children’s mother Lacey. This fine young man here is my son Kharon. That lovely little imp,” he went on with a nod to Kali, “is my daughter, Kali. We...hmm, visited here briefly not too long ago, before Kali was born. Kharon told her stories about the crystal clear lake, and I believe our Kali here has a question for you.”

    Oh! Yeah! Kali grinned and turned back to her new friend Amet. “Yeah! I got lotsa questions. I like your scales, they’re really pretty and shiny, and look like fire and sunshine live in your skin. Can I touch them? Oh, but other question for all of us. Can we maybe see your lake? Khari told me all about it, but I wanna see for myself. Not that I don’t believe him, of course I do, he’s my big brother and he’d never lie to me, but my eyes wanna breathe it in. Would you mind? Can we come see? Ohhh maybe you could show it to us?”
    Kirby and Lacey's
    little whisper girl

    @[Amet] (Iii'm just gonna trade off between writing Kali and Kerberos, so your turn, if that's okay?)

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    RE: call me the world's sexiest killing machine; khari, anybody - by Kali - 06-15-2017, 10:20 PM

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