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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I couldn't smell the smoke, now I'll watch the flames; any
    html code by Toli, design idea based on "Dovev" by Laura

    He tells her "ooh love".
    The creature turns to look at her. It's big, very very big. Long neck, powerful legs and she could only imagine how the claws would look like. Wings like Kharon, though very unlike his feathery ones. A tail to finish it all, or perhaps to balance out the neck? Kylin's gaze is stuck upon his face tough. She had seen flames coming out of his mouth – how could that be possible? And then the head, so elegant ant terrifying at once, teeth so sharp they could tear her in half in one go and those vertical pupil eyes were so exotic.

    For a moment she's sure Kylin has met a higher being.

    She's frozen in place. Unsure if it's because of plain fear that makes it unable to move, or because she's simply still too awestruck. And running away from a higher being would surely be offending, right? Her hazel eyes are locked on his, lips parted in a silent gasp. Except for her nervous fluttering ears she's standing still, completely still.  

    It advances, comes closer. She can feel the sheer power, with each powerful clawed foot that lands on the ground she can feel the trembling in her legs. Then she's flying. In slow motion it feels like hours, but mere seconds later she slams back into the ground, Ischia's beach all but forgiving. The force of the impact knocks all air out of her body. A moment she feels nothing, just stares at the empty beach in front of her in a haze.

    "Aah!" she cries out the moment her side starts to burn. Tears are pouring down her cheeks as a whole new sensation of pain washes over her. This pain is so very different from when Kharon had turned his back and left. It burns, setting her skin on fire, and all Kylin can do is curl up on her side, body shaking and trembling. His apology doesn't reach her ears, the pain simply blocking all other senses.

    A few droplets of blood trickle down her skin, painting the lavender and white red. Red, just like the scratches on her shoulder, barrel and hip. Three mostly horizontal stripes. Shallow enough to not draw a lot of blood, but the metal had been sharp enough to bruise and slightly de-skin. Hair torn out, leaving the raw and burning skin exposded to the salty air.

    Even if she would come back to her senses. Even if she would be able to will herself to stand up, her legs wouldn't be able to carry her.


    Messages In This Thread
    RE: I couldn't smell the smoke, now I'll watch the flames; any - by Kylin - 06-27-2017, 11:51 AM

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