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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  quest for what we long to be; zur and gendry
    He walked along her, their sides brushing lightly with every step. His ears flickered back and forth, always checking for something or some one. He wouldn’t stop looking; stop hoping that some day they would all return. But she was distracting and he didn’t mind being distracted either. Her lips finding his neck, pressing kisses to his skin that made a small smile curl his lips. The warmth of her skin on his as they walked as they enjoyed the snow falling down around them wasn’t something he ever took for granted.

    Not anymore.

    They were lucky. They had each other to get through when the world had imploded around them. When magic had fallen from every branch and breath of air, until there was nothing left but normal. There had been a lingering effect of the most basic things, wings, horns, and his immortality. Those things hadn’t left. He could still feel the very basic magics in his blood stream, but Pazuzu…the lack of magic had drove him away.

    The lack of magic had chased him from them, and Arzhur hadn’t been able to stop him. He had been hanging on tight to Rys as the world shook and tremble around them. Until Echo Trails had vanished into the ground and the world that they knew changed.

    Until there was nothing left of what they knew.
    The following years had been it’s own kind of hell, but they were still here.
    They still had each other.

    ”Hey Zur? Her soft words had his eyes turning towards her. ” How would you feel about a baby?” The words made him stop, his eyes on hers as his mind came up empty. A baby, a piece of them. Like starting over, but not. There was never anyway that any of them could start over, not with their histories. They could continue. They would continue until they found the rest of their hearts. But it could be a little more. It could be more than just the two of them again, even if the thought of any babies made him think about their other babies.

    Would Pazuzu and Drow both understand if they did move on? Would they want it? He knew they had been kind of stuck, moving on but not really moving on. Hadn’t Drow and Dara moved on before? And Pazuzu was a survivor….They would be okay with it right?

    He finally blinks, the words falling from his lips without a thought. “A baby?” And if he wasn’t the most awkward thing in the world sometimes…. “Like…you and me and a baby?” And even if the thought of one of their own made his heart hurt a little, it also made it full. “A little tiny bundle of baby?” It’s like he’s been waiting for her to say it for years, because a smile curls his lips. Those same lips stretch forwards to rub across the curve of her neck. His legs catching up to her and his lips find her cheek. “Hmm, what will we name it?” A smile still on his lips as his body presses against her own, taking their moment in the cold snow, letting the flakes fall down on their bodies.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: Zur and Gendry - by Arzhur - 07-04-2017, 08:22 AM

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