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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    god make me pay like the devil i am; elve
    god make me pay
    like the devil i am
    She is smart, but he is entirely too focused on himself to notice. She plays along with his game (though to him, it is the exact opposite of a game – in fact, a very serious conversation), indulging him and nearly encouraging him. He decides to take a step closer to her now, his dark eyes roaming the vivid colors of her coat, watching hungrily as the water from the storm soaks into her skin, dampening the bright red and green into calmer maroon and deep evergreen. Cracked and dry lips hesitantly brush over her neck, barely touching, his breath hot against her damp flesh, desperate to taste the rainwater on her skin. Her figure still flickers momentarily, vanishing and appearing before his eyes. 

    He’s never wanted to touch them before, because they were nothing to him, but perhaps the way the water runs in rivulets down the soft slope of her shoulders causes something to stir within him, something feral and aching with longing. 

    “Maugrim,” he tells her distractedly, his voice rough over the sound of the rainfall, the rumbling thunder now loud and pulsing in their ears. 

    The ground beneath them becomes muddy with the sudden rainfall, splashing brown against their legs as it begins to rain harder. The feeling of the water against his patterned skin stings him, crooning to him in whispers that only he could hear. Once they become truly soaked to the bone, with puddles of mud beneath them and the tempestuous sky opening up before them, he bends the rainwater around them, so that it moves naturally downwards but no longer thunders against their backs.

    His pale mane is plastered against the curve of his neck as he finally presses his ravenous lips onto her, her skin tasting delectably sweet on his tongue. He shivers, but not with the cold. 

    Absentmindedly and without a thought as he breathes against her with shuddering and warm breaths, the muddy water beneath them begins to fill, no longer soaking into the ground but beginning to pool at their legs. He cannot create water, so he must wait for the rainwater to cause his puddle to grow, but he is ever patient. 

    She has shown no sign of running, not yet. He hopes she won’t, for the growing tension between them is delicious to him. “Tell me your name,” he commands, his dark eyes roving her once more and waiting for a piece of her to become visible, only to press his tongue on her once again to taste the water on her skin.
    m a u g r i m.


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    RE: god make me pay like the devil i am; elve - by Maugrim - 07-27-2017, 06:05 PM

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