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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    i'm not the devil, but i won't be your hero. || jah-lilah
    You're looking at an absolute zero;
    I'm not the devil but I won't be your hero.
      He had been watching.
      As he always had; as he always would.

      His own sullen heart had learned long ago to beat at a slow and steady pace, unhurried by the heavy burden of time, his skin, his thick and broad bone structure, his thick muscles untouched by age. He moved more deliberately than most, observing each minute detail of every passing day. At one point, long ago, he had lost himself somewhere within the dark recesses of his mind, where the weight of his mostly guarded secrets lie still and laden with the dust of a hundred years or more – but alas, he had been awakened, stirred to life and thus, moved into action.

      She is as unhurried as he, languishing within her own existence in a way that he cannot ignore – she is wild, unwieldy, and he is intrigued. A faint lacing of humor has woven its way into the dark inflection of his burning gaze, settled steadily upon her (though flickering, for a moment, to the sparkling current sputtering from where she is so firmly planted – ah, fire has come to know the pure energy of electricity, at last).

      And yet, though he, himself, is at ease, she is not.

      There is a discomfort in her posture – a rigidity he had not seen in some time, and as the realization settles heavily on his mind, he can hardly suppress the smile tugging at the corner of his dark mouth, where neatly teeth lay bare with the quirk of his grin. ”Rest easy, Sparky,” he muses thoughtfully (Ashes-of-the-Earth, he thinks. I like that.), his gaze once more tracing the thick muscle of her shapely legs to where the electricity had emerged haphazardly mere moments ago. ”I am too old to claim the company of those who do not want it; you need not be afraid of me. My harem days are long behind me – over a century ago, in fact.”

      A pause, his gaze averting elsewhere, to where the rumbling of a distant storm has touched the edge of his worn and weary border, where the volcanic ash had met with the sea. ”Times have changed. As have I, and I do not permit any to behave out of line within Tephra. As such, you are welcome here as long as you desire to stay, and free to come and go as you please.”
    another zealot with the weight of the fucking world.


    Messages In This Thread
    i'm not the devil, but i won't be your hero. || jah-lilah - by Offspring - 07-30-2017, 12:26 PM
    RE: i'm not the devil, but i won't be your hero. || jah-lilah - by Offspring - 08-16-2017, 03:51 PM

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