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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    With pockets full of stones [Jah-Lilah, Canaan, Any]
    someday, we will foresee obstacles
    So hold my hands up...

    Effortlessly her shoulder friend shifts into her equine form and Jah-Lilah is breathless. The honeycomb male and the forest female mesh into one for a moment and all is right in the world. Jah silently thanks the Earth-Mother for allowing her to be present for such a raw display of pure emotion as the pair embrace in front of her. Their mouths exploring, rediscovering land and territory all over again for the first time. They hold each other so close, so tight, Jah-Lilah should be jealous, but she is not. For a moment she thinks...nevermind. She takes a step forward unknowingly, transfixed and hypnotized by the display of love before her. Circinae mumbles words she cannot hear, but Jah-Lilah doesn't care. She wants to be with them. Then she sees Circinae's beautiful crystalline tears, and she makes up her mind. She doesn't care if she can only offer companionship to the mare, she's found herself bound to her. Bound to love.

    Her trance is broken only when he inquires upon her, and Circinae is snapped into the present as well. Wolf-of-the-Water turns and gazes her way, and the light coming from Jah-Lilah's pores grows brighter. Circinae speaks her name and her ears perk, jade eyes dancing from male to female and she takes another tentative step forward. She dips her head slightly to the male, licking her lips in anticipation as Circinae closes the gap between them. She begins at the jaw and wraps herself around my red mare like a cat claiming it's owner. Jah-Lilah closes her eyes and just feels. Her top teeth trail along the evergreen girl's neck, withers, back, flank, croup, until Jah-Lilah can no longer reach her any more. She winds her way back up, halting parallel to Jah, and the firefly turns and nuzzles her. She swallows hard before opening her mouth to speak for the first time. "You owe me nothing, Wolf-of-the-Water, I will always be by your side." She meets eyes with the goldenrod male, blinking slowly. Strangely, she did not feel the urge to hoard the seafoam siren, but an urge to welcome in the winged stallion. 

    She takes her time with him now, he speaks her name like he's always known it, and she is beginning to see the things that Circinae sees. The strength in his jaw, the slope of his shoulder. When he arches his neck, the way the muscles curve. His haunches are well-developed, powerful. His legs are straight, sturdy, he was an incredible specimen. As Circinae leaves her side, she follows hesitantly behind, coming closer to the Pegasus male. Jah-Lilah reaches out to inhale him, he smells of the sea and the air, like the earth after the sun has warmed it all day. She lifts her head to bump noses with him, snorting twice and exchanging breath with him. She tosses her head and emits a guttural noise, an interaction not unlike the one she had Circinae had exchanged upon their first meeting long ago.

    She had instantly liked the young mother from the moment her twin terrors interrupted Jah-Lilah's grazing session, still suckling at their mother's teat. She knew there was something special in her, something destined for greater things. Her power was unlimited, her talents so varied, Circinae had no idea the potential she held within her. It took this wandering Pegasus boy to bring it out in her. She so desperately loved this stud, it drove her to new places to put her family back together. And she had done it. Jah-Lilah had never admired Wolf-of-the-Water more than she did this beautiful autumn day.

    Her companion begins to interrogate him, and rightfully so. Jah-Lilah stands strong beside her, and as the tears begin to flow, Jah-Lilah rests a dark muzzle on her girl's neck. The pair begin to discuss things beyond Jah-Lilah, although the names and places she was familiar with. The War-Queen Ellyse, ah, now Jah-Lilah knew of that Amazonian mare. Short-tempered, moody, mean, but intelligent, determined, fierce. There was no other mare in the world who would protect and defend like Ellyse, but it came at a price. Clearly a steep one, she gathers as Spirit-in-the-Sky spins his tale. He mentions his wings and Jah-Lilah leaves the side of Circinae to get a closer look at the damage, relieved at his approval for her to be near them. She peers around at the stubbly feathers growing it, nosing and prodding at them a bit. She may be able to find some plant or two to encourage their regrowth once they return home(home?) to Taiga. She nibbles at the spot where wings meet flesh as he embraces Wolf-of-the-Water again, pleading for forgiveness. She is frowning as she listens, thinking of the boys and how they've missed him. Jah-Lilah is thinking of redemption for Sprit-in-the-Sky, and retaliation for Wolf-of-the-Water.

    ...Breathe in, breathe out.

    @[Circinae] @[Canaan]

    Messages In This Thread
    With pockets full of stones [Jah-Lilah, Canaan, Any] - by Circinae - 08-18-2017, 03:10 PM
    RE: With pockets full of stones [Jah-Lilah, Canaan, Any] - by Jah-Lilah - 08-24-2017, 02:00 PM

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