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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  thunder chasing the wind [Ellyse]
    I have the tendency of getting very physical,
    so watch your step 'cause if I do you'll need a miracle.
      Time was always fleeting.

      It was unyielding – powerful, and unstoppable. She did not pine for time lost – she cared little for pining at all, let alone for something she is powerless to control. Alas, her heart does pine. Though her confession to Ledger had been heavy and laden with truth, it had not been enough to tether him to her side after dusk began to fall, nor had it been enough to quell the worry lingering in the gleam in his eye. There is a small part of her that aches, knowing that her admission had not been enough to soothe him, but she knew the feeling of inadequacy all too well – she had felt it before, and it is the only remnant of heartbreak that had remained as her once fragmented heart healed with the grace of time.

      She cannot linger on it – she buries it somewhere deep, hidden within the darkest, deepest recesses of her mind, and she chooses to lose herself in the sound of the churning sea, and the warmth of the sun. She does not let her mind dwell on it, occupying her time with training exercises and the like, and soon, the dense humidity of autumn has given way to the gentle frigidity of winter. It hardly felt any different on the island, and any fleck of ice hardly lasted once the blinding light of day touches the soft and fertile soil – yet, the humidity is little, and the icy ocean breeze is plentiful, stirring the faintest shiver along the surface of her carefully folded wings.

      She is alone – as she often is; she does not seek out the company of many. She never has; she never would. Even her son had begun to pull himself away from her for longer periods of time, as she undoubtedly knew that he would, and she does not seek him. She waits. He was growing, day by day – oozing with confidence and humor; a flawless blend of herself and Dahmer, and there is nearly a shadow of a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. Alas, soon time would take him as well, always fleeting – unstoppable.

      She preferred her solitude, to reflect, and to think. Meditation had always brought a sense of soothing and tranquil calm over her otherwise uneasy, restless mind – once more, she has lost herself to the visual of the thick seafoam lapping at the distant shore, as the sunlight touches the edge of the horizon in all its splendor. Ah, but she would not be alone for long. Inside of her, there is a stirring of life – subtle, but enough to stir her heart into a frenzy.

      It was instinctual, her knowledge of the pregnancy, but unshakable – bringing worry and mirth bubbling to the surface of her mind. It had not been long since she had birthed Smoak (or at least, not long enough, in her mind - this is it, she thinks to herself, no more). She could remember well the way her body had been weakened by the birth, bleeding, broken – it had taken weeks before she felt like herself, and she dreaded the thought of ever experiencing such fatigue again.

       Yet, she knew he would be overjoyed. She remembered the envy shining in his amber eye, roving over the pale cream of her then newly born son – he had wanted it to be his own, and now, it would.

      When he emerges beside her, she is nearly startled, with her heart leaping suddenly inside of her chest with a hitch of breath. There is a slow exhale that follows, as her mouth brushes against his own gently, her hazel gaze searching for his own while the distant mist of the sea breeze drapes itself over their gilded bodies, as her hip presses against his – fitting neatly, as if she had always been meant to be at his side.

      ”I didn’t hear you coming,” she confesses with a light chuckle roused from her throat, as her heavy lashes close over her eyes, tilting her slender neck to rest her forehead against his jaw. ”I’ve missed you. Where have you been? We have much to talk about.”
    You want to stay but you know very well I want you gone;
    you're not fit to fucking tread the ground that I am walking on.

    Messages In This Thread
    thunder chasing the wind [Ellyse] - by Ledger - 09-06-2017, 01:08 PM
    RE: thunder chasing the wind [Ellyse] - by Ellyse - 09-06-2017, 10:40 PM
    RE: thunder chasing the wind [Ellyse] - by Ledger - 09-07-2017, 12:35 PM
    RE: thunder chasing the wind [Ellyse] - by Ellyse - 09-07-2017, 12:55 PM
    RE: thunder chasing the wind [Ellyse] - by Ledger - 09-07-2017, 01:13 PM
    RE: thunder chasing the wind [Ellyse] - by Ellyse - 09-07-2017, 05:17 PM

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