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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  i will go wherever you will go || circinae, jah-lilah, & twins


    Baby, come closer.

    And suddenly, the world was so small. It was like someone sucked out all of the air in the room, Jah-Lilah was so breathless. All around them her vision was blurred, and she could see only gold and emerald. Priceless gems, they were indeed. They call upon each other, and meet somewhere in the middle, my firefly is captured, captivated. Her heart races, thumps hard against her ribs, but she hasn't moved at all. Her ears are pointed, straining to hear every word exchanged, she wants to miss nothing. A normal mare would feel bashful, like she was imposing on the private reunion of old lovers. Jah-Lilah is no normal mare, and these are her lovers. 

    She allows herself to be pulled into them, they are magnets, and she feels suddenly made of metal. She approaches silently, but not sneakily. Her head cocks and her tail raises slightly in growing excitement. She is rendered primal, thrown back to days less evolved for a moment. She moves closer, bobbing her head at the pair. Circinae is on the Pegasus' left, and that's where my flower-child begins. She clucks softly at her she-mate, greeting her with an exchange of breath and a gentle nosing. She is smiling already, nipping at the girl's chest as she makes her way to her withers. She peers over top, making eye contact with the male for only a split second. Or was it an hour? Jah-Lilah can barely tell, so lost in the fog she is. She feels so hazy, yet she has never seen more clear in her life. She continues her bold journey down Wolf-of-the-Water's barrel, stopping periodically to lick and nibble at various favorite spots along the way. Her muscles are wound tightly beneath her skin in excitement, but she remains in control. Ever the temptress, ever the enigma, my Jah-Lilah. 

    When she reaches Circinae's croup, she takes a moment to rest her chin atop, her whole burning body pressed against the cool water of the paragon shifter. She closes her eyes, inhaling deeply, taking all of the girl into her. She plants a kiss on her hindquarter and reluctantly peels herself away from the mare. She purses her lips and rounds the corner that is Circinae, and there he is, Spirit-in-the-Sky. His desperation for their jade lover makes him look wild, uncontrollable. Jah-Lilah is smitten by the pair already. 

    She approaches him on his right, steps well-calculated, deliberate. She draws out the time until she reaches him on purpose, building the suspense between the three of them. Her skin dances across the other side of Circinae, and she is already home. Her dark muzzle meets his tawny one, and she blows heavily onto him. She grunts and squeals suddenly, tail cutting straight up and through the air in her excitement. She comes back and lips at the bridge of his nose, but only for a second. She's feeling stronger and more confident here by the second, and it's like they've always been lovers, Water, Air, Earth. Three parts of the same whole. Her teeth nibble feather light across his cheek and jawbone, and she moves closer still. A tug of his mane behind the ear, a pressing of her chest into his, and she is a mirror image of her sea-foam companion on the other side of him. She licks down his neck until she hits the withers, and there's her beloved. She touches noses with her, cooing and champing her jaws almost submissively. She has given herself wholly to them, is completely vulnerable as she stands nose to tail to nose with them. For a moment, Jah-Lilah forgets the fall of Taiga, and forgets the fall of her dark lover from so many years ago. For a moment, the puzzle of Jah-Lilah is missing no pieces.

    You don't have to be afraid.

    stronger than you know

    @[Circinae] @[Canaan]

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    RE: i will go wherever you will go || circinae, jah-lilah, & twins - by Jah-Lilah - 09-11-2017, 07:14 PM

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