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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  i will go wherever you will go || circinae, jah-lilah, & twins

    forget all the names we used to know

    The sudden arrival of his twin jolts him to a start.

    Crevan had been staring, eyes-wide, at the trio as they slowly melded into one another. Curiosity at who this strange stallion his mother had so brazenly entwined herself with washed over him first, followed slowly by a disbelieving recognition of the name that falls from the emerald mare’s lips as she breaks free from their troupe. Canaan. His sire, in the flesh and here at last, every bit the creature that the Underneath had conjured for his personal torture.

    When they had met last, Crevan had killed him.

    He seeks that same end now, pushing ahead past his elder brother with fury thrumming in his veins and a snarl ripping up free from his throat. The fur along his shoulders rises eagerly enough, trailed in form by the wheat-colored stripe of rigid hair that runs the length of his spine. Blindly he tears past clinging branch and thorn, leaving only tufts of his pale coat behind in his hurry to be free of the dark wood so that he might spring upon the winged horse but something stops him, one step shy of the clearing.

    Jah-Lilah joins them. Tentatively the son of Circinae had only ever speculated what connection the two mares might have formed. Jah had become a staple of life slowly over the months, appearing at first with almost random intent until it seemed that every time he turned his head to search for his mother, the fiery mare was there instead. Incredulous he watches the blend of color as red seeps into green before molting into gold so brazenly that even he (innocent thing that he is) sucks in a sharp breath at the contact. They’re practically oozing heat, the three of them, and with the curl of his lip disgust temporarily overrides anger.

    “Just what the fuck is going on here?!” He barks, plodding into the flat stretch of land while refusing to draw even closer to the ménage à trois at hand. Never before has he felt so excluded, so blind to the truth around him. It rattles the young wolf, leaves him trembling unsteadily as he glances behind to look frantically for his twin. The shape of his better half soothes him, gives him enough courage to turn face once more and take another bold step forward. “Anyone care to explain?”



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    RE: i will go wherever you will go || circinae, jah-lilah, & twins - by Crevan - 09-12-2017, 10:17 PM

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