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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    i'm contagious, it'd be safest if you ran // birthing, any

    Yet each man kills the thing he loves,
    By each let this be heard,
    Some do it with a bitter look,
    Some with a flattering word
    The Coward does it with a kiss

    The safety of their mother's womb was far too short lived, although Tauber would only remember it for a short period of time. Space was limited, and when the contractions came Tauber was the first to escape the confines. His first moments were cold and wet. He does not feel his mother's tongue on him at first and struggles against the wet of the birthing fluids and incordination of legs that had no practice. Instinct drove at him, demanding he give into it. He must stand. He must. He sees his sister struggling next to him before he hears his mother's voice. A quiet nicker in the chaos that surrounds him. It calms him, allowing him to take stock of everything. He feels her tongue on him, and his focus shifts from panic and instincts to actually thinking the first problem of his life through.

    A nudge was really all he needed. He notices his sister getting up first, and the instinct trickles back into his little fuzzy head. He props his front legs up, and then the back.

    Within moments, he moves over to his mother and bounces into his sister to gain access to a teat. He hadn't realized his hunger was so all encompassing. He stops nursing for a moment to catch his breath, and looked around. Little did he know that in this blanket of darkness, it was him that could see the best. The starless night was his friend and though his mother tries to block his view, he still catches a glimpse of what would of been his third sibling. His heart does not hurt for the winged creature, as it had been dead a few months back. Instead he nudges the belly of his mother, demanding that his hungry stomach be fed.

    the brave man with a sword


    (Carnage x Aditi)
    Twin to Shirad

    Avatar lines by Bronzehalo@deviantart.com
    Coloration by Lavender

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: i'm contagious, it'd be safest if you ran // birthing, any - by Tauber - 09-24-2017, 08:10 PM

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