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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    She walks the night, how many hearts will die tonight [Spark]

    Bound for trouble from the start
    I've been walking through this old world in the dark

    Magnus beckons. He stands chest deep in the water, waves crashing around him but seeming to miss him altogether. Salt sprays against his buckskin figure, as he reaches for Ledger. For his son. Wearily, the broken chestnut steps into the surf. Step by shattered step, he moves towards his father. Head bent, neck curved downwards. Adaline continues to fall in slow motion from the volcano behind him, a video on constant repeat. Ellyse’s words of “I’m Sorry” stirring nothing in his cracked glass heart as they whisper through his ears. He didn’t believe her. She was nothing but the Head of Lies and Broken Hearts.

    Once he reaches where Magnus had been, he finds that he is alone. Swallowed by the sea. However he can still hear his voice and it begs him to release himself from this agony. This pain. He continues forward until his hooves can no longer touch the sandbar beneath him, his legs flail and his head sinks beneath the dark gray surface.

    The bear won’t allow it. Fighting against him, fighting for it’s life. Forcing him into the shift and instinct makes him swim back to shore. As soon as he is in the trailing surf he is back into his equine form. Drenched and spluttering seawater, gasping for air. Knowing that all he has to do is look behind him and see that Magnus is still there. This had been the fifth time today that his father had tried to drown him but it never worked. The bear was stronger then his desire to die.

    The soft sound of hooves against grains of sand makes him finally look up. A familiar face that he has not seen since Ellyse had claimed to love him. The anger moves swiftly through the caverns of his chest, remembering. The memories of the sharp pain he had felt against his heart (not beating, glossy and still) keep the flames of his rage from it. Not wanting to ever feel that sensation again. ”She lied to me.” His voice flat and his good eye dull, not looking to Spark but at the tide that swirls about his hooves.

    The wound over his heart beginning to mend but the skin is curled and ugly in it’s X formation. ”She took it. It’s gone.” Assuming that the weirdness in his breast was because of her, forgetting how the Dark God had always wanted to claim his heart. ”I tried to find it you know.” Slowly looking up at her. ”The spark.” And he laughs softly but it sounds more like a moan.

    ”Why does a man do what he mustn’t? For her. To be hers.” The words full of misery and it’s unclear exactly whose benefit they are for. Hers or his. Slowly he moves towards Spark, drawn to her heat and her flames. He does not stop until his head has pressed against her neck, the bear within too afraid of her fire to even resist. He does not pull back, wanting to burn. As Adaline’s screams fill his head. As he closes his eyes and see’s Dahmer nestled and embraced with the one he once thought was his. ”Can we rest now?” Ellyse, please. ”Can we rest?”


    @[Spear + Spark]

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    She walks the night, how many hearts will die tonight [Spark] - by Ledger - 10-12-2017, 10:47 AM

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