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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Let's go for a walk in your garden of Eden - Nyxa, Any
    Ischia had been treating Hod well. Despite his brothers' apparent abandonment, he had found a happiness here that was new, and beautiful. As spring had come, his woolly coat had shed out, revealing more pale grey than had been there the year before,  save for a comet shaped blood-mark on his shoulder. Fate was funny that way, as he would one day discover. 
    The colt had grown quickly on the diet of lush grasses and fruits that the island was in no short supply of. Indeed, it was a stretch to call him a colt at all. He was nearing his third birthday, and adulthood was making its mark on him. His mane and tail, holding on to their original black color, flowed long and gently waved. His pale grey body was no longer awkward and lanky, but building lithe muscle. As he lounged beside one of the island's freshwater springs, he made a rather elegant figure.
     Bathing in the soon-to-be-summer Sun's warmth, he marveled at what staying in one place could accomplish. His clouded blue eyes could see no better than used to, and yet he could make his way across Ischia with little trouble. It had been a struggle, at first. Nyxa had been invaluable, helping him find his way between water and food and shelter, until he gained the confidence to guide himself. She was a great friend. He smiled to himself, thinking about her. She was wonderful and clever and infuriating at times, and he thanked whatever powers had allowed her to be the first horse he and Bragi had come across in Beqanna. He'd had no idea then just how good of a friend she'd become to him. It had made his brother's leaving a bit more bearable. 
    Speaking of Nyxa, he wondered where she was. They were supposed to be meeting today, to explore one of Ischia's smaller daughter isles. It would be low tide soon, and while that wasn't an issue for the talented girl, he still needed clear ground to travel. He flicked his tail a bit, letting it drag through the cool water he laid beside. Parrots chatted in nearby trees, and a soft breeze ruffled his hair. His ears took It all in with their constant swiveling. Well. At least it was a pleasant day to wait. 

    @[Nyxa] I kinda extrapolated that they would become friends, is that ok? I can edit if not.

    Messages In This Thread
    Let's go for a walk in your garden of Eden - Nyxa, Any - by Hod - 11-26-2017, 06:58 PM

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