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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  I'm a rebel just for kicks now - Karaugh - Private
    As she stares intentionally at the muddy walls of her prison, the outer most edges of her view reveal his figure.  Stepping no more than one pace towards her.  A greedy grin painted across his lips as he plays.  Running his blunt teeth along her golden flesh.  Tasting her.  Marking her his.  She allows him to do so with no more than flex of her spine and shift of her weight.  She has been in such positions before but typically she held the reins.  Allowing herself to run her lips down the length of their bodies.  Tempt them to the brink of no return.  Levi though seem to relish in the control he held over her.  Knowing his fire outmatched her, she had no choice but to allow him this.  His game.

    The world turns still so when he is gripping her flesh and bone - heaving his large body on top of her - she stands firmly under him.  Pressing her hindquarters into his loins.  Ebony traced ears pin tightly to her skull as she brings her muzzle to her breast.  The tight arch of her nape showing beads of sweat trailing down her coat. The burden of his weight plus her child's was almost enough to cause her knees to buckle.  She manages to remain standing for the duration of his mount.  His grip slips from her hips and brings him to stand on his own again.  Swiftly she pulls away from him and spins around to face him.  Aurburn eyes reflect the flicker of his flames as they narrow on to him.  She draws nearer - cheek to cheek - listening to the hammer of his heart.  To taste the blood pumping through his veins was too tempting to pass up.  So as he is panting for breath after such ecstasy she marks him an easy target.  A hushed whisper is shared between them, "I don't play well with others." 

    Her move was smooth.  Not lunged like she had at Castiles throat, but more like the hand of a lover being slid up the length of ones thigh.  Finding her favorite spot with ease and his height to her advantage she slips under him.  Fangs sinking into either side of his jugular.  They grip tactically, allowing her to force the fluid from his veins and into her lips.  It is sweet with the taste of adrenaline still thick in his blood.  He may struggle but she holds on as long as she is able.  Before his skin gets too hot or his flames are called on to save him.  He may have made her his, but now he was also made hers...
    illicit daughter of nymphetamine and killgore
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    RE: I'm a rebel just for kicks now - Karaugh - Private - by Karaugh - 12-04-2017, 12:53 PM

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