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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    A time for teaching. (Diplomats, any)

    The mare before her stands up a little straighter, raises her head a little higher, directing her gaze boldly to Hestia. Leader to Leader, she finds someone her equal, and as anyone else would do, she nods in acknowledgement. The world is a vicious place, and if you don’t claim your place in it, it will eat you alive. But Hestia is too tired to play the political games, and word bullying usually done to get what she wants. The black hag appreciates the directness, and in return tries to be direct as well.

    The sooner they get this figured out the better for all parties involved. She takes in the last of the queen’s words noting the request. Of course, I will inform the others of these conditions, and tell them to make a point of stopping on their way through. Nerine will be available should Hyaline ever need a safe place. War happens, and she’s seen kingdoms destroyed on countless times, having a place open to recover in is always helpful. She thinks of the most recent, Taiga and Pangea, and wonders if they had places to go when their kingdoms were lost.

    Hestia has no desire to prey on kingdom’s hope for peace. Quite the opposite, she’d rather support them, as they usually hold the most residents, and residents are a necessity, by making friendly with these kingdoms, she promotes trust, friendships, and a solid source for adding to her own ranks as peaceful kingdoms often have children that grow restless and desire a more… exciting lifestyle than is offered where they are born. Then there are many who come to her and wish for a calmer lifestyle and would find kingdoms such as Hyaline to be perfect for this. By exchanging these horses they keep each other strong and healthy. Preventing tension from rising in their individual kingdoms.

    She’s about to inquire about warriors and the such as the woman made peace a point in her words, when she continues askes about Nerines. Hestia almost smiles at this, all she needs to hear to gather the information she needs. We remain warriors, she makes a point of leaving out the female. As they now allow males among their ranks. It’s a point of contention for some as to why they allow males. Hestia wants the equality, and not dominance. But this could change again depending on how other events unrelated to Solace and Hyaline unfold, and the black queen doesn’t want to state something that is not yet set in stone.

    She continues, we also have a fighting pen; were other kingdoms are welcome to submit names for mocking/battling/ and stealing for friendly visits or exchanges. Sabra is currently gathering names of her warriors who are interested in participating. You are also welcome to use this. It is a good method for training. It’s also useful for strengthening friendships, and she doesn’t say it, but if the woman wants, Solace could use this to help train her own warriors so they may be able to defend themselves. Sabra had requested that they only be available for battle, Hestia thinks that Solace would be more interested in the theft, and exchange aspect. Everything is flexable after all. There are other things not yet solidified, but she takes it easy, going over one topic at a time.


    The devil whispered in my ear, you’ll never survive the storm
    I whispered back, I am the storm

    [Image: 345k45w.jpg]

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    RE: A time for teaching. (Diplomats, any) - by Hestia - 03-17-2018, 06:56 PM

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