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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    dry eyes in the pouring rain || sabra & any

    First she’s being ignored, then she gets dismissed. It is like a slap in her face, but it does not show longer on her features than a couple of seconds. Instead the ebony mare forces herself to smile, and although her pregnancy hormones don’t help with keeping her emotions in check, Amorette succeeds pretty well at offering a honest smile. Better to pretend dumb than stir something up.

    ”Well thank you, Queen Sabra, it was a far travel indeed, how considerate of you. I would love to see more of Sylva, Lamb has told me a lot about it, but I will have to pass the offer this time. My King asked me to accompany him, how pleasant a trip might be, my duty lies with him and Tephra.” When her eyes move to Warrick, her smile becomes real, and she reaches out to brush her ebony nose lightly across his shoulder, offering silent support.

    Her gaze does not linger long. Amorette turns to look at the opalescent queen, offering a polite smile and a dip of her head, then she turns to look at Lavendel. ”Bye, Lamb. I hope to see you some time soon. You’re always welcome to visit Tephra.” The offered tour still stands.

    The ebony woman listens quietly when Warrick speaks. His way with his words never fail to amaze her. He speaks so easily, and yet, he seems to always say the right thing. Amore smiles encouraging, but mostly focusses her attention on Sylva’s queen. Who once again flabbergasts her. And this time probably not only her.

    ”Ever since Warrick’s rule, Tephra has been stable, and so are our relationships with the other kingdoms. We don’t expect trouble, but that does not mean we shouldn’t look past our borders and maintain a good relationship with our neighbours.” What Warrick wants to offer, is up to him. And clearly Sabra was all for diplomacy between two rulers, if it is better for her to not engage further, then Amore would step back from conversing, though she wouldn’t remover her presence completely. After all, Warrick asked her to come.


    Quand on n'a que l'amour.

    @[Warrick] @[Sabra]
    Sorry for the wait!

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    RE: dry eyes in the pouring rain || sabra & any - by Amorette - 03-24-2018, 09:19 AM

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