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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I lock myself inside these walls, cause out there I'm always wrong. [Scorch//Any]


    Although Scorch caught the narrowing of Breckin's eyes upon the revelation of Hestia's Queenship, she failed to place the expression as one of confusion - and indeed, this failure was well and good. For had she known that the spotted mare before her had thought her the reigning mare of Nerine, it would have fueled the embers in Scorch's stomach that would always burn with the knowledge that she had lead the Sisters, and that by god, she could again - but for today, those innocent coals remain next to lifeless, the pain and confusion of a misplaced need for power avoided.

    "I have, actually." Scorch's eyes traveled to the coast, lost there as her mind's eye roamed back to her beloved Jungle, and to the every moment she spent in it as its leader. "Nerine is the relative continuation of a kingdom that existed long ago, called the Amazon Jungle. I was born there a princess, and eventually became its Queen -- it's a much longer story than that, but indeed I did rule. Some who reside here still remember this kingdom of old as if it were yesterday; but few who served with me during my time as leader are still around today." She thought of Nayl, her faux-niece, the only face she could remember from that time. But the conversation surged ahead, and her eyes returned from the coast, thoughts of before quietly leaving her mind.

    "Based on what I know of you, I think the peace is an excellent place to start, if you choose to call Nerine home. There are plenty of duties that may help you find purpose and belonging should you choose the peace - and quite frankly, you are an excellent conversationalist. I have no doubt in my mind that you'd be able to recruit very effectively." She nodded to Breckin's crooked smile, hoping that the mare would believe her - for she spoke truly and with an ingenuity that not everyone received from the hairless mare after such a short time of knowing one another.

    But alas, Breckin then went on to acknowledge a need to explore and discover. This fact left a bit of a sour taste in Scorch's mouth, for she rather liked the idea of the spotted mare joining Nerine's upholstery of strong, powerful women; but she ignored the distaste and instead wracked her mind for places Breckin could explore, rather inept at that activity herself. She'd been drawn and stuck to the Amazons since birth, never looking far beyond its borders unless it was for diplomacy's sake - and sometimes, war's.

    "It's been my pleasure, Breckin. I hope that I've not bored you with my many long and winding tales." She smiled again, licking her lips thoughtfully.  "As for explorations, I've honestly not done many myself since I came back from the dead -" Here she paused and grimace-smiled, as if to say yes, there are even more stories about me; but now wasn't the time to elaborate, so she soldiered on. "- But there are many in the common lands who are from the other kingdoms, as well as those who call no established place home. You would do well to go there, to the meadow, river, or forest, and meet some more Beqannians."

    "Truthfully, I hope that none of them offer a better home, though; it's selfish of me, but I see you fitting in excellently here. Perhaps, once you have finished with your adventuring, I'll see you again on Nerine's coastlines - and when or if I do, I'll be quite the happy woman." She reached out and affectionately pressed her nose a final time to the base of Breckin's soft neck. "Until then, Breckin; safe travels."


    Once Khaleesi of the Amazon Jungle

    @[Breckin] you seriously make my muse explode this is crazy lol
    [Image: scorch2.png]

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    RE: I lock myself inside these walls, cause out there I'm always wrong. [Scorch//Any] - by Scorch - 04-09-2018, 12:11 AM

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