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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  Out with the golden we sew // Solace/Ilma/Svedka

    A little breeze goes a long way

    Ilma is surprised and possibly, had she time to think of it, a little offended by the way Kagerus greeted her shortly that afternoon - she'd been explaining to Tähti some things about how a wing worked, which had trailed off into a layout of the lands and a description of what climate was where. The short interruption by the bay-and-white had left her distracted, so she had finally sent her daughter on her way and watched her play, so that she had time to think on things. A meeting at nighttime wasn't very usual to her, but perhaps she wanted it to stay stealthy, where children and visitor's ears would not follow.

    The white mare is silent as she usually is, the grass rustling under her feet where she walks. She finds Solace easily enough, and Svedka is around too. This seems to be the intimate group of residents that Kagerus does want to explain to, then. At least she can count herself lucky to be in this group tonight.

    Kagerus does not stall for long - perhaps she wants it over with. What she has to tell them, makes sense by about half to Ilma. Not that she doesn't agree that yes, as far as she knew, Kagerus might have died in favour of bringing a child into the world, but she remembered that she had asked about the dreams before the day came, and she figured apparently it had worked. Well enough at least for Kagerus to return - she hadn't seen any foal, and her assumptions had led her to conclude that perhaps the foal had died instead, and she had not dared to ask.

    Now, it seemed it was different from that. She'd found a way to bypass the birthing process, and the child was unharmed. There, Ilma snorted at the pause, a defiant look in her eyes. Not his mother? Who else would be, the mountain? A goat? What nonsense. One did not always have to birth a child to be their mother; Kagerus was perhaps even more Abysm's mother than anyone who adopted a foal from the fairies' den, and she still considered those mares the mothers of their adopted foal. No, what irritates Ilma in all this, is that Kagerus had after birth neglected to bring the child with her, where he should have been, in Hyaline with her, to play around and learn about the kingdom that he naturally belonged to.

    But these thoughts pass unsaid, although Ilma is not yet finished with Kag on this. She believes the horned dreamer quite an idiot in this case, but she can forgive her, if she would return to be her friend and take up a little responsibility with her kid. There's more to be said and more to be listened to, so the white mare shuts her mouth, and listens first. The time for questions would be later.
    A demon. A demon baby that had come into the world by using Hestia as a vessel. Ilma frowns, wondering how much power it would have had in the dream to even do that, let alone also denounce all Kag's influence. And what was left of that power? But it does no-one any good to speculate. They will have to ask Hestia herself about this, for she is the only real source of information at this point. The winged mare estimates that over the months, Kagerus would not know how strong it is now.

    Solace then continues, taking over and offering even more intel. A man named Arthas has been crowned King of Loess, their immediate neighbouring kingdom to the south. Ilma can tell that Solace is upset by this - she is upset too, because Loess was ruled only recently by a young filly, only a year older than Tähti, and while Solace worries about the regent Castile whom she has spoken to in the past to secure an alliance, Ilma's thoughts are simpler - ."..what happened to the girl?"
    She shakes her head at the thought of a military alliance, as well. This would need investigation before they went south again to speak about alliances.

    Finally, Kagerus comes to the conclusion that Ilma is much more emotionally stable than Kagerus. She feels like the opposite is true, having listened to all this, but she also sees that it is temporary, unlike how Kag might feel. With all those responsibilities she's had and perhaps not doing the best job at it, Ilma would understand that she feels deflated. Before she can react to this, thinking that Kagerus should not give up her position as an asset of Hyaline and advisor to Solace - she proposes she take on the role of general. So the white Andalusian holds back what she was wondering about, and nods. Perhaps Kagerus would do even better as a militant. Solace also agrees, and Ilma flushes a little; but she knows this feels right and nods. "I would gladly take up that role, if I'm not intervening. Like I told you two before, I don't need a title to know my worth per say. But perhaps for outsiders, it is good to have one." she muses.

    Solace does not have to remind Ilma about Sylva, either. She was supposed to visit, but now she will not do so in peace for a long time. She still wonders how Sabra is doing, but there are sadly more pressing matters at hand. "There are a lot of changes going on in the kingdoms surrounding us. If Hestia is in control of this demon, then we can only hope it stays that way with the current silent threats from the south. If all else, I would like for Hyaline to stay neutral in any matters at hand, so that we can uphold our impression as a sanctuary. How good are our alliances with Tephra an Ischia, if any?" Ilma wonders. "Perhaps we need to rethink who we are allied with and if we still agree with the terms." she muses further.

    Any fool knows men and women think differently at times, but the biggest difference is this: men forget, but never forgive; women forgive, but never forget.
    Robert Jordan, Wheel of Time

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    RE: Out with the golden we sew // Solace/Ilma/Svedka - by Ilma - 04-17-2018, 04:37 PM

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