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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  She's turning blue {Femur}
    Watching them grow hadn't been so hard. Longclaw remembers Gansey-boy, leaping from that damned cliff and coasting for a bit. Wildling had been a fun romp and never ceased to please his blood-father. Valensia had been more of Femur's than anyone elses, but her beauty and her allure had been altogether pleasing to see develop.

    When had that changed?

    Together they'd made Wolfbane, everything Longclaw had wanted and more ... he should've been eclipsed in happiness and, well, he was it was just that ... just that ...

    They weren't him.

    It was hard to explain. When Claw began to notice the beginnings of the sickness, it'd sent him into a spiral of depressive thought. Undoubedtly it was the curse - the same enigma he'd bitterly told Femur about once and never again - but the shape it was beginning to take terrified him. Wolfbane began to grow in his mother's belly and, every day or so, Claw would feel urgently inclined to check his reflection.

    He searched for any imperfection. A wrinkle, a gray hair - they all seemed to him at the same time terrifying and fascinating. One glance would turn into an hour's worth of reflection and he would just ponder over how incredibly beautiful he looked. Eventually, he only enjoyed the company of his own reflection, wheedling away at the annoyance of others in order to simply be alone so he could study himself.

    It was ... crazy.

    "My Love ..." Femur calls to him, the cat that crept so inconspicuously onto the scene when he needed her most. The movement of her lips entranced him,eventually turning Longclaw's vibrant green eyes to her face. This reflection he could handle; in it was a clarity and beauty unrivaled. The flame-wielder exhaled the weight of heavy secrets and rumbled his keen pleasure at her company when his little ghost-girl melted comfortably into his side.

    "You devilish wisp, always protecting him. He'll get soft, you know." Claw muttered, catching the end of Wolfbane's eyeroll as the yearling boy tucked tail and ambled away. Their offspring had garnered a good sense of when to vacate a situation, especially when Femur had the inclination to toy with him as she usually did. Claw, always willing to bend to her whims, tilted a knowing eye in her direction. "Fifth time's a charm?" He joked, fanged mouth parting to grip her poll and rub loose tension in her neck.

    "I'm glad you came, though. He doesn't mean to but that boy ... he's starting to wear on my patience." The warg grumbled, pressure beginning to build in the center of his chest. "Which brings me to my point; I need a promise from you, Femur." Her blue mate expresses, halting his gentle massage to catch her attention.

    @[Femur] No problem dear!
    [Image: sScEgld.png]

    Messages In This Thread
    She's turning blue {Femur} - by Longclaw - 04-19-2018, 01:39 PM
    RE: She's turning blue {Femur} - by Femur - 04-20-2018, 10:13 AM
    RE: She's turning blue {Femur} - by Longclaw - 04-20-2018, 02:45 PM
    RE: She's turning blue {Femur} - by Femur - 04-21-2018, 09:16 PM
    RE: She's turning blue {Femur} - by Longclaw - 04-24-2018, 08:08 PM
    RE: She's turning blue {Femur} - by Femur - 05-05-2018, 09:21 AM
    RE: She's turning blue {Femur} - by Longclaw - 05-10-2018, 10:18 AM
    RE: She's turning blue {Femur} - by Femur - 05-20-2018, 09:24 AM
    RE: She's turning blue {Femur} - by Longclaw - 05-24-2018, 05:14 PM

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