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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    best have your wits about you [Brennen, Mosrael]
    Aquamarine gaze studies mahogany male's facade and, notes the shadow that falls over his features. Jesper recognizes the concern furrowed into the crease above his eyes and, the stiff setting of his jaw. Bronze-tipped lobe, nearest to Mosrael, flicks in her direction to catch her words of caution. Gentle sigh escapes nostrils before Brennen's strong voice brings his attention back to his grandsire. Ebony steed listens carefully, silently hoping that he would see the logic behind his suggestion. Brennen speaks of Galilee and, their latest child, which reminds Jesper that he needs to formerly introduce himself to the regal lady. To Brennen, he offers a warm smile and, genuine, "Congratulations."

    Jesper accepts the praise by softening his smile. His grandfather's next words, My first instinct is to say no, cause the onyx male to swallow anxiously. As Brennen lays out his plan, onyx male begins to relax and, poll bobs along with complete comprehension. Jesper listens intently to each term while holding a respectfully steady gaze. Inner thoughts attempt to work out the details of the winged male's conditions. Whom could be his liaison? It was not like he had a say in these conditions; however, Jesper would still agree to all of these terms. He did not want to stay any longer than he needed to and, he surely would not allow the clown or, any of his minions, to kill him.

    Brennen's threat rang loud and clear and, Jesper closes his long-lashed eyelids as he nods in agreement. "I understand. I appreciate your leeway and trust, grandfather. I am only thinking of the future safety of my brothers and sisters. I will make this work in our favor." Jet-black stallion falls silent as mahogany male suggests they wait to gather more information before making any moves. Jesper nods in consensus and, while waiting patiently for the arrival of Leilan and Trekori, attention shifts to the lush tropical foliage in search of an edible mouthful. While foraging, tufted acoustics remain alert for any additional questions or, topics of conversation.

    @[Brennen] @[Mosrael]

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    RE: best have your wits about you [Brennen, Mosrael] - by Jesper - 04-29-2018, 08:12 PM

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