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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I am the steel no enemy can shatter.

    i am the steel no enemy can shatter

    The question he had asked is simple, basic. So much like his needs and wants are. It is true, nearly any kingdom could fulfill his desires. He knows this as well as they know it. But perhaps for that reason the question is deceptively simple. The ball is in their court. They will now be the ones who need to convince him of the merits of their kingdom. Had he known what he wanted beyond the basics, he would have simply gone to the kingdom that best fit his wants. But therein lay the problem.

    Straia easily seems to recognize this. As she speaks, he stands straight and tall, the only overt sign that he is listening being his dark, flat eyes fixed upon hers. What she speaks of intrigues him. He is not an overly affectionate horse, so that they do not treat each other as such does not bother him at all. He finds her offer appealing, though he withholds judgement until the rest have spoken.

    As Aletheia begins speaking, his gaze moves to fix upon the pale mare. She speaks strongly of the Valley, offering a similar, yet different experience. He finds her offer appealing as well, and he is torn. Though he does not seek greatness, the chance to help build and shape a kingdom is undeniably alluring. Still, he makes no decision.

    Finally it is Wichita’s turn to speak. His dark eyes turn to observe her has she makes her offer. He notes that she looks unaccountably nervous, almost defeated. As though the battle has been lost before it has even begun. As though she is sure that he will not choose her home. If that is the case, she has made her own self-fulfilling prophecy. But he reserves judgement until all of his questions have been asked. He had learned well that announcing victory before you are safe is a sure prediction of defeat. And though this might be a different circumstance, he believes the same logic can be applied.

    After the last word has been spoken, he glances between the three of them. All had offered mostly agreeable circumstances, but there is a point he needs to clarify before making a decision.

    Would you have someone willing and able to train me? He does not expound on the question, nor does he feel the need to. It is obvious he is young. It can therefore be deduced that he has little experience. Experience is his goal. He will never be so helpless again. And unless they should ask, he sees no reason to explain.


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    I am the magic no dark power can defeat. - by Shannisoran - 07-16-2015, 05:06 PM

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