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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    At the edge of the water || Klaudius
    Take Me to the Waters Edge

    There is darkness that blinds me inside this warm place.  I feel movement always alongside me.  It is a part of me but separate.  I know only its embrace until now.  Now when everything is pressing me to the sides of my confinement.  Forcing me to move in a direction I am unsure of.  For a moment, my other half has left me all alone.  Until suddenly it is my time.  My time to leave this place and be alongside my sibling once more...

    It is bright out here.  Cold and strange.  My vision is blurred and a rough brushing causes me to squirm.  I sit myself up and flick my ears back and forth.  Bendy things dance around my body,  dark and long.  What is that?! I question.  Do I run?  What is run anyhow?... I'm so confused.  My snipped face turns as more bendy things move about.  These ones lighter and the color of flowers(if I even know what those are).  Suddenly there are bellowed noises...words.  I knew not what they meant or who they were directed towards, but they sounded unfriendly.  I panick slightly, wanting to rise but I wait.  Maybe if I stay still it won't see me...

    Then it touches me!  A gentle nudge and I've had enough.  I stagger forwards, nearly lunging but my limbs do not follow and I flop back onto my other side.  My head lifts and I see stuff more clearly.  There is a smallish dark thing and a biggish purple thing.  Its face near mine and it speaks again... Kove?! Whats a Kove? Am I a Kove?  So many questions I have but I grow tired.  My eyes begin to flutter closed, only to snap open as someone yells.  The dark things are back and they seem angrier now.  Lavender hued eyes widen as I shoot forwards again.  Adrenaline fuels the strength I need to remain upright.  Once on the stilts, I remain frozen.  Limbs staggered and stiff.  

    Time passes slowly as I work up the courage to try this 'walking' thing.  Snipped muzzle dips between my fore limbs to inspect the ground on which I stand.  It seems solid and able to cross over.  One hoof lifts and then another.  My vision soon showing me more details.  I look about to find my sister gazing at me.  I know this is her.  I have lived with her for nearly a year before this day.  A warming in my heart causes a smile to find my dark lips.  I pay no mind to the others around us... 


    Messages In This Thread
    At the edge of the water || Klaudius - by Mosrael - 05-20-2018, 10:32 AM
    RE: At the edge of the water || Klaudius - by Kove - 05-22-2018, 10:07 AM

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