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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Hold me in this wild, wild world: ALL + activity check
    He calls, they come. Not as sworn member of the brotherhood, but that does not mean she does not want to be part of what happens on the island. Ischia is her home, has always been, and it is Ischia where her loyalties lie. Brennen had never asked her to leave, and up to today he had never disturbed her.

    She comes without Kyveli. Her precious purple and lavender daughter would soon be nine months old, old enough to not need her mother around twenty-four hours and seven days a week. Much to Kylin’s dismay, but at least she knows that Ischia is safe. No predators, as the only other living beings are parrots. And neither is she afraid Kyveli would down, as her daughter can walk on top of the water’s surface just like she can herself.

    Her hooves brace the surface, and without any effort she crosses the sea separating the smaller island from the main one, where Brennen has them called for a meeting. Kylin does not mingle, rather keeping to herself as she watches him silently, even from afar she cannot miss the sadness in his posture and eyes. He does not have to speak for her feel with him. But when he does, her hazel eyes are unable to hide her own sadness, but it is not until the mention of Krone that a couple of tears spill. “Krone..? They.. she’s dead?” her voice is soft, but clearly audible in the dead silence, and the shock and pain and confusion is so easily readable on her face.

    Father, Reilly, Ea and Circinae, and now Krone too? Is it the fate of an Ischian leader to either just disappear into nothing or be brutally killed?

    His announcement and introduction of heirs only half interests her. The lavender tobiano mare is trembling, her fins tucked against her sides and distress all over her. How could she have been oblivious to all this pain in Beqanna? But Brennen’s heirs are of importance, as Kylin cannot imagine herself living elsewhere.

    “I..” She wants to help, to but she is not a warrior, nor is she part of the brotherhood. Let us not forget to mention that she is painfully aware of her position, or the lack of it. She is tied to Ischia, to her daughter, her unborn child, and Ivar. But that does not make her useless, or that she hopes. “How can I, can we, help?”

    Kylin is a resident, or probably more a visitor, as she does not want to swear herself to the brotherhood but rather to Ischia. Her daughter, Kyveli (Klaudius x Kylin), is here with her. And she’s expecting another baby: Kypria (Ivar x Kylin).

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    RE: Hold me in this wild, wild world: ALL + activity check - by Kylin - 07-06-2018, 03:23 PM

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