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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    as the day breaks and the earth quakes / ilma

    And there's a lesson waiting to be learned
    the firestarters always get the burns
    and the good guys never get the girl

    The moonlight-figure with a sunlight addition smiles at Solace approaching. She dips her head, but stays silent, leaving her queen be until she's finally gotten over the no-doubt lingering questions and voices of her children. They share the silence, unknowingly to one another agreeing on one thing; if it's not gold under this wisteria tree, then leave it empty.

    So she doesn't enter yet, and enjoys the sunlight instead. When Solace finally finds words to add to the scene, it is a compliment. Ilma smiles at her friend, but shakes her head. "They're more fickle than feathered ones. Not every day is bright enough for flight." As she closes the distance, the tree's shades dim the light on her back as much as their surroundings. But Ilma doesn't mind at the moment, is clear on her features.

    The moment is peaceful, and she doesn't want to break it too much, so she refrains for a moment from everything else her mind is at - Ischia's planned war, Loess' change of attitude, the lack of information she seems to get from Tephra. But ultimately, Solace wants to know, and so she asks about Loess.

    Ilma thinks it over a moment, which should say something in itself. "Well enough. I met with Lepis, who is now their Cleric, sort of an Ambassador herself I believe. But I don't know that I like them as close neighbours. Wolfbane's idea is novel - every year, he opens his kingdom for one alliance, with the highest bidder. On one end, that severs the old tie with Sylva, but on the other..." Well, Solace would understand her doubts, of course. There was no building a lasting, steady relationship with a neighbour like that.

    "I asked Lepis to think of a solution - agree to never attack from our directly shared border, or let us know whom they have contracted with at the very least. She seemed more hesitant to work with me there, than I had hoped. I believe that she thinks we are no threat to her, and thus that she doesn't need us as much as we need them." The point was, she was mostly right about that, the sanctuary kingdom was not known for invasion. She mused at that. There was one option - to do just that -, but it was risky and probably uncalled for. She looks back at Solace. "So either we tweak that image a bit... or ask one of our allies to do it for us... or settle with the idea that again, there is no alliance with Loess." she sighs, ears hanging back a bit. There was not win-win situation in any of this.

    and shooting stars cannot fix the world

    Any fool knows men and women think differently at times, but the biggest difference is this: men forget, but never forgive; women forgive, but never forget.
    Robert Jordan, Wheel of Time

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: as the day breaks and the earth quakes / ilma - by Ilma - 08-07-2018, 04:17 PM

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