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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    what if the way we started made it something cursed from the start; vulgaris
    "  when she's coming for my heart it feels like armageddon. "

    He watches her and his expression is lost somewhere between starving predator and dreamy-eyed lover as he tries to decide between the two. Vulgaris is so many different kinds of hungry that he never knows which need to satisfy first. Still, just standing here is rather nice and something like a reptilian purr trills so quietly in his throat. His eyes watch her wings change and something deep within him stirs in its slumber. She’s like delicate spiderwebs already burdened with morning dew – he wants to run his fingers through her and rip her apart for being so beautiful. Later, he will dream of painting his mouth with the red of her blood.

    But for now, he muzzles that urge and forces himself to play the part of the cordial gentleman. Her lips take on a warmer shape and he focuses on that as best he can. Hearing his name in her sweet voice draws him further in and his gaze drifts to her throat like the weak creature that he is. In the right light, he could probably pick out the twitch of her pulse from the movement of her speech. But she’s asked him a question and he must reply.

    This one is nice. Or maybe I’m just glad your attention is on me.” He smiles with those rows of sharp teeth all showing, unabashed and unconcerned. She gives her name and he repeats it a few times in his thoughts, holds it tight to his memories for later in case he sees her again. Leliana. But Vulgaris does not repeat it, does not want to taint it with the sound of his own voice while it’s still so pure and perfect.

    The smile on his face dims for a moment when she says how happy she is to have company. Would she have said that had someone else come to sidle up to her tonight? He lets the question die in his thoughts before it ever becomes words across his tongue. It will reemerge later when he’s alone with nothing but his creeping insecurity to intrude upon his peaceful night.

    Is it? I’m honored to share it with you then. Tell me what makes this night so lovely to you.

    He takes a few steps closer to stand beside her, just enough that she might feel the heat of him radiating onto her, but he doesn’t let their skin touch. Vulgaris just wants to see if she’ll shy away or give into longing, for the most part. In the meantime, he keeps his head turned toward her just enough to admire the curves of her body that he can see between her wings, though he’s greedy and eager to see what hides beneath.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: what if the way we started made it something cursed from the start; vulgaris - by vulgaris - 08-20-2018, 04:16 AM

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