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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    A QUIZ.
    Realized I haven't done this yet Smile

    How Long Have You Been at RPGs? Um, I wanna say I've been writing since middle school at least? So like...roughly 15 years off and on. Goodness I'm old.
    How Long Have You Been at BQ? I tried BQ back in my high school days but couldn't stay put. So officially here with characters and such, 2 years this month. Smile
    Original OOC Name? Is There A Story Behind It? It's always been Radar. My dad called me that as a kid cause I would eavesdrop on adult conversations ALWAYS.
    Favourite Thing About BQ? The people, for sure! I love writing and all that, but the friendships make it worth sticking around for sure. Smile
    Favourite Kingdom (New And Old)? Gotta be Tephra! My first official kingdom that I had a character join.
    Favorite Quest? I loved the demon quest that my character Balto was a part of! So scary!
    Favorite Trait+Defect? Any kind of shapeshifting, of course! And it might not be a defect, but I love ponies made from glass. :|
    Favorite Coat Color? Partial to bays, always. No idea why.
    Favorite Piece of HTML? I don't make my own html cause I am useless. I love everyone else's, obviously.
    Do You Have Fur Babies? I do, but they live at my parent's house. A dacshund (Zoe), a chocolate lab (Mattie Mae) and a cat (Moses)!
    Do You Have Real Babies? I will this coming February! <3
    What Country Are You From? USA!
    How Do You Write? TV On? In A Dark Room? Tell Us! It has to be SILENT. And on my couch. I don't enjoy being at a table.
    What Is Your Favourite Colour? Mint green!
    Where Is Your Dream Destination? It used to be Hawaii (who am I kidding, it still is!) until I went there last year for my honeymoon! I'd love to go to New Zealand and England still, though. Smile
    What Is Your Favourite Book? Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Narnia, The Hobbit!
    Favourite Book Series? See above, lol.
    Do You Have Other Creative Outlets? Nah. Just writing pones.
    Career/Career Goals? I'm already a teacher, so I've basically made it! Smile
    Favourite Food? Pizzaaaaaa, for sure. And sushi.
    Favourite Ice Cream? Anything that's like triple chocolate. Also cheescake flavors!

    All-Time Favorite Character? Warrick, ofc.
    Favorite Active Character Right Now? I'm loving me some Daye right now!
    All-Time Favorite Mare? Merida ;_;
    All-Time Favorite Stallion? Still Warrick. :|
    Best Character You Wrote As A Foal? Svedka was so fun, but Maugrim was interesting cause he was so dark so young!
    Easiest To Write? I've never really struggled with most of my characters, but I would have to say I'm always museful for Warrick!
    Hardest To Write? Maugrim. I'm always overthinking about how I want him to be perceived!
    Character You Regret Killing? Haven't killed any of mine! I love them too much. /snugs
    Character You Wish You Could Play More? Balto, for sure! I should make more time for my tortured little caveman.
    Who Are You Shipping Your Ponies With? Ummm, I don't ship very often until my ponies decide to like someone. So far Warrick and Merida are the only ones to get into serious relationships, lol. Wartang FOR LIFE.
    Your Main Character Gets In A Bar Fight. What Happens? Warrick fights with honor, cause of course he does. Only his fists, no weapons, cause he doesn't like to cheat.
    Your Closet's Biggest Child Producer? I don't have one in the closet! Warrick though is my biggest baby maker for sure.

    All-Time Favorite Character? This is hard. Don't make me choose.
    Favorite Active Character Right Now? MARBLE. She's stunning and written beautifully.
    All-Time Favorite Mare? SOLACE HANDS DOWN. My first BQ baby that wasn't my own <3
    All-Time Favorite Stallion? Pretty sure I'm still head-over-heels in love with Magnus from the day Warrick stepped into Tephra. Oh and Levi.
    All-Time Favorite King & Queen? I haven't been around long enough for a King & Queen, cause I can't remember any besides current ones.
    Current Favorite Mare? Sochi! Cause I'm really enjoying threading with her right now. Smile
    Current Favorite Stallion? Right now it's End cause KOMODO DRAGON, duh.
    Current Favorite King & Queen? Kag isn't a King, but Solace and Kag are my fave. (Probably always will be.)
    Favorite Couple? Pond and Vulgaris. Does that count? I feel like that counts.
    Who Have You Always Wanted to Post With? It used to be Cassi, but since our Warrick/Carnage thread I got my wish! Now I just want more Cassi words!
    Who Do You Wish Was Still Alive? LONGCLAW AND FEMUR. ;_;
    Who (Character) Is the Most Intimidating? Carnage, duh.
    Who Do You Currently Ship? Um, it's new to me but PYXIS and DAEMRON holy shit.
    Which Character Would You Nominate as King & Queen of Beqanna? As of right now? Wolfbane and Vulagris LOLOL rule the world boys.

    Who Would You Vote as Most Likely to..
    Succeed? Solace. She ain't no quitter.
    Break Hearts? I'm pretty sure it's gonna be Break as of right now.
    Have Their Heart Broken? Lepis, only cause I'm not too sure about Arthas... Tongue
    Get Drunk & Cry in Public? Ilma, but she'd be like on an angry rant instead of crying.
    Get a Stalker? Ivar :| I mean have you seen him. Gorgeous.
    Accidentally Kill Someone? Vulgaris. "Accidentally".
    Survive the Hunger Games? Kagerus. Get it girl.
    Take Over the World? Wolfbane!
    Punch Trump In The Face? Scorch fo sho.
    Be The Object Of Constant Pity? Pond cause I mean...so sweet and innocent. D:

    Who Do You Post with the Most? Sid, Lav, Jenger, Calcifer..but I've only been back a few weeks and there's so many people who have just returned too so please add more to this liiiiiist!
    Who Is Your BQ Best Friend? Jenger!
    Whose Writing Do You Stalk the Most? Everyone's, tbh. I literally read every post. I'm shameless.
    Who Do You Wish Would Write a Book? SID. It'd be soo good.
    Who Do You Wish You Posted with More? Vi, Laura, Toli, Devin, Sam, Elvin, Prism, Aeris, Jassal...everyone???
    Who Do You Wish You Knew Better? EVERYONE BASICALLY.
    Who Do You Wish Would Come Back? My Kuna <3
    Who Writes The Best Angst? Sid. I live for bitchKag.
    Who Writes The Best Smut? CALCIFER FOR SURE.
    Who Writes The Funniest Stuff? It's a tie between Sid and Cal, as well as Cassi. Carnage is just hilarious even when he's being downright evil. Love it. Also Nilla and Avion for sure!
    Who Do You Talk to the Most? Sid, Calcifer, Jeng, Lav!
    Who Do You Plot with the Most? Right now I don't have a ton of plots going on yet! That needs to change so I can have more words.
    Say Something About a Player You Haven’t Mentioned Yet: Kristin words give me muse every single time I read them. I have no idea how she works this magic but I love it and keep it coming!!!
    Say Something About a Character You Haven’t Mentioned Yet: Kaurma is super fun and I can't wait to see what she does in Loess (or TO Loess!)
    svedka - balto - warden - molech - sunlight
    olena - skandar - starlight - burdock - bluebell - ciroc - maylene

    Messages In This Thread
    A QUIZ. - by Sid - 03-15-2018, 06:21 PM
    RE: A QUIZ. - by devin - 03-15-2018, 07:07 PM
    RE: A QUIZ. - by Nicole - 03-15-2018, 07:17 PM
    RE: A QUIZ. - by Avion - 03-15-2018, 07:26 PM
    RE: A QUIZ. - by devin - 03-15-2018, 08:42 PM
    RE: A QUIZ. - by Aeris - 03-15-2018, 09:29 PM
    RE: A QUIZ. - by Tiny - 03-15-2018, 09:35 PM
    RE: A QUIZ. - by Elise - 03-15-2018, 10:34 PM
    RE: A QUIZ. - by Sid - 03-15-2018, 10:54 PM
    RE: A QUIZ. - by Bruja - 03-16-2018, 12:20 AM
    RE: A QUIZ. - by Cassi - 03-17-2018, 05:02 PM
    RE: A QUIZ. - by Kuna - 03-17-2018, 06:16 PM
    RE: A QUIZ. - by Aeris - 03-18-2018, 02:06 PM
    RE: A QUIZ. - by Mirage - 03-20-2018, 06:52 PM
    RE: A QUIZ. - by Avion - 09-06-2018, 08:07 PM
    RE: A QUIZ. - by Jassal - 09-07-2018, 10:36 AM
    RE: A QUIZ. - by Vanilla Custard - 09-07-2018, 01:27 PM
    RE: A QUIZ. - by Neo - 09-08-2018, 04:00 PM
    RE: A QUIZ. - by Radar - 09-08-2018, 04:18 PM

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