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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  say 'I love you' when you're not listening - Breckin
    Suddenly it’s warmer, feeling the pressure of his head resting over her neck and shoulders.    And it’s comforting—him being this near—and she can nearly pretend as if the only weight on her shoulders is him. 

    Until he says something stupid, in jest, but still stupid.  

    Still she doesn’t pull away, if anything only leaning further into him, though her ears fall into the chest of her neck as she waits for him to stop talking.  “Did you just call the queen of Nerine an idiot?” She murmurs into his side, teasing in her own way, wondering if he had already known that she had gained the crown of her home land.   But quickly she realized it was unlikely; he probably would have made some joke about it already if he had.  And she had absolutely no doubt as to his annoyance capabilities. 

    All too soon he pulls away, and Breckin voices her displeasure making a disapproving sound in the back of her throat.  The absence of his body against hers allows winter’s breath to trace along her sides, sending an inadvertent shudder throughout.  I’m fine, she thinks stubbornly, raising her gaze to focus on his.  But he’s already further away, working on the opening of the cave with a different skill than she had known him to have before.

    Now that the red haze of anger has receded from her eyes, it’s the first time the leopard woman had the chance to really look at him.  The sharpness of his teeth reminds her of Ivar, the ever changing eyes remind him of Scorch, and the scales trailing across his body remind her of Viserion.  She can’t help but wonder if they’re as tough as the scales that had lined her battle partner.

    She watches now, ever curious, as he seems to shape winter herself into a dam of sorts, effectively blocking off the majority of the assailing gusts.  There’s appreciation for what he’s doing for her, in the subtle tilt of her spotted head, and the way a fractional smile emerges on her charcoal lips while he’s still turned away.

    The smiles runs away from her face however, when he does finally turn back, meeting the various shades of his eyes easily.  Of course she’d heard the last of his words, and momentarily she considers ignoring them altogether in light of the heaviness this evening had brought upon them.   But it had also been a freeing night thus far, so why should she be so willing switch topics and let it end now?

    It could wait until tomorrow.

    ”There are,” she says demurely with a slow, singular nod.  And finally she does allow a minor coy smile to bloom, softening her expression further, while turning warm brown eyes back to search his.  ”And it makes me wonder why you’re still standing over there.”

    @[Leilan] quick phone post! <3 Sorry no html, only had time for one post and since this was further drafted then the others, this was the pick! XP

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    RE: say 'I love you' when you're not listening - Breckin - by Breckin - 09-17-2018, 10:07 PM

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