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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    A quiz for everyone except Nev.
    How old are you? Older than all of you
    What is your middle name? Jean
    If you had to paint your house (or place of living) one colour what would it be? I like the cream I chose for mine but in the winter it looks really yellow against snow so that pisses me off
    On a scale of 1-10 how stinky are your farts? I don't fart :|
    Caves or mountains? Why not both?
    Cliff jumping or scuba diving? Again ^^
    Did you used to write in such a way that made using the word 'labia' somehow acceptable? Let me Google what that word means... :| you disgust me and maybe XD
    How long have you been at BQ? Almost two years but I remember the 2004 version... yes I am that old
    If you could go back to one version, what would it be? Color wise, the last Reckoning version
    Alternatively, what colour would you want the next version to be? Dark purple of course 
    What do you think the one thing people know you for/remember you for is, on this site specifically? Purple and plots
    What's your preferred shoe wear? I am usually working so Sketcher D'Lites
    Dresses or pants? Pants, unless I want my SO to cause an accident... again XD
    What's your favourite part about yourself? Physically, personality wise? My IDGAF attitude towards everything
    Cats or dogs? Rabbits
    Is your tongue comfortable in your mouth right now? It's a little moist... Why?
    Do you have any Weird Cool Body Things???? Like extra fingers or half a toe? Tell me. :| Does no boobs count?
    Do you like making your ponies have angst, or would you rather feel good plots? I like starting off feel good and then watching it spiral to the deepest depths of hell
    What is your most dark writing on this site? Smut, torture, murder, etc? Murder or suicide
    What is the writing you're most proud of on this site? Mine, I think I write better as light characters and in first person
    Which kingdom do you think you would be in, if you were in BQ? Sylva during Morty reign >:]
    What is your first memory of BQ? First impression? Spink telling me I suck at writing XD We good now
    Do you stalk the Q&A and updates boards or is that just me? *meep* Updates board.  I am noisy
    Do you want to be a published author? Ummm no
    What's one Really Cool Thing about yourself? I showed and raised Boxers for many years... Specializing in brindle and black colors with american style bodies and euro type heads...
    Did you have any fun hobbies/sports back in high school/college? I hate sports but I took 2 years of photography in HS
    If you could have on trait from BQ for yourself, which would it be and why? Shapeshifting of course, then I can be anything I wanna be

    Do you have any characters that were supposed to be a random breeding and ended up being your main? Klaudius
    If you could meet one of your characters in real life, who would it be and why? Karaugh, cuz she badass
    Which of your characters do you think you could kill in hand to hand combat with? I mean, hypothetically. Kove
    Which character of yours do you find the absolute cutest? Kiwi
    The most lovable?  Kove
    The least lovable? Klaudius obviously
    The most annoying? ^^^
    If you had to choose one character to write forever and no other one, which would you pick? Kromium
    Which character is the most like you? Kolera
    Which character is the least like you? Kove
    Which character has been around the longest and why haven't you killed them yet? In character killed, AuroraElis.  I just don't have the heart to officially say she is gone
    If you could make everyone thread with one character of yours, which would it be? Kaurma

    Which character do you secretly have a massive, throbbing crush on? (If I can admit to it so can you) Stillwater
    Which character makes you want to scream? (You can interpret why you're screaming) Maugrim, in horror
    Which character do you see on the 'recent posts' board and literally compulsively have to read whatever they wrote? I am worst at reading threads I am not apart of
    Which character is the most bad ass and why? Ivar, just cuz
    If you had to play match maker with the current leaders, who would end up with who? Solace and Wolfbane XD
    Favourite mare, now or ever? This question sounds familiar...
    Favourite stallion, now or ever? As does this one...
    Compliment at least five characters from different players, go! (I had demands on discord to say specific names but HERE I'VE DONE YOU ALL A FAVOUR AND LEFT IT OPEN ENDED) Solace is beautiful inside and out, Kylin is super cute always,  Ivar is smexy, Leilan makes me giggle, and I swoon over Wolfbane...

    Say something about three other players that explain the very first thing you think of when you think of them. For example Nev is stinky (and I love her). Bruja- chickens and fun times, Avion- wine, Sid- farts...
    Who makes your heart go "!!!!!!!" when they pop up in Cbox? I don't get that excited over anything...seriously :|
    If you could choose one place for all the BQ players to meet, where would it be? Masquerade ball where we all dress up as our favorite RPG pony human versions ;p
    Who HAVE you met and where and how because I want to know? I am only Mini-sooten... so I have met no one
    Who do you think you could wrestle with and be pretty evenly matched? Sid
    If you could go horse back riding with one other player who would it be? Devin, cuz she jumps and I wanna jump a pony
    Who have you spoken to most since starting at BQ? Bruja
    Who do you not talk to that much but absolutely ADORE? Everyone
    If you could make some players come back who would they be (in light of this huge wave of oldies coming back)? Andromeda
    If you were playing 7 minutes in heaven with the BQ gals, who would you be stuck in that closet with :| Hehe
    Whose rants do you stalk the most? I don't stalk the rants board but if I have something productive to say I will
    If you could be a bridesmaid in a player's wedding, whose would it be? Anyone who would have good potential for drama
    Who is the sassiest? Nilla
    Who is the sweetest? Sapphire
    Who is the loveliest? Radar
    Who is the stinkiest? Sid Tongue
    Who writes the best smut? Toli
    Who should host a quest? Calcifer
    Who writes the best angst? Sid
    Who do you wish you wrote with more? Lavender 
    Say a gazillion things about all the people you haven't mentioned yet! "A gazillion things about all the people you haven't mentioned yet!"

    Which BQ family is your favourite? Karaughs
    Whose lines do you drool over? Djinni and Stillwater
    Do you spend hours looking in the member database at lines or traits? Ummmmm.... no *yes*
    If you could say one thing to our amazing officers what would it be? You are appreciated!
    If your character knew what memes were, which would be their favourite?  
    Explains their lives pretty well
    What is your favourite meme?
    Do you have social media that we can stalk you on?? Yes. Just FB though
    For the love of god say something nice about people because I am getting HARASSED for not asking for specifics. I always say nice things...
    Favourite quest? All of them
    If you could host a quest what would it be about? I do plenty and plan to do more
    Do you want !rank to display your rank on discord? No... cuz IDGAF
    What is your love language? First Google search result is a book called Five Love Languages so I am assuming that is what you are referring to... That being said I am taking the quiz.... Acts of Service followed by Quality time and Words of Affirmation.  Sounds like an interesting read but it seems 90% of the questions were related to getting gifts.  I am very unmaterialistic so it makes sense that is last of the five.
    -Semi Active-

    Messages In This Thread
    A quiz for everyone except Nev. - by Sid - 09-23-2018, 05:44 PM
    RE: A quiz for everyone except Nev. - by laura - 09-23-2018, 06:26 PM
    RE: A quiz for everyone except Nev. - by Radar - 09-23-2018, 06:30 PM
    RE: A quiz for everyone except Nev. - by devin - 09-23-2018, 08:38 PM
    RE: A quiz for everyone except Nev. - by Sid - 09-23-2018, 10:10 PM
    RE: A quiz for everyone except Nev. - by Bruja - 09-23-2018, 10:17 PM
    RE: A quiz for everyone except Nev. - by Nev - 09-23-2018, 11:41 PM
    RE: A quiz for everyone except Nev. - by Leah - 09-24-2018, 02:38 PM
    RE: A quiz for everyone except Nev. - by Lydia - 09-24-2018, 04:50 PM
    RE: A quiz for everyone except Nev. - by taz - 09-24-2018, 05:13 PM
    RE: A quiz for everyone except Nev. - by Neo - 09-25-2018, 10:17 PM
    RE: A quiz for everyone except Nev. - by Cassi - 09-28-2018, 06:16 PM
    RE: A quiz for everyone except Nev. - by Jassal - 10-01-2018, 11:07 AM

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