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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    The Dark Light [Solace, Kagerus, Castile, any]
    do you ever wonder...
    ...do you ever dream?

    His mother's reassurance hit his accoustics and softened his facial features. Velk finds himself more comfortable now. More confident. When the whoosh of Valdis' wings come from above, young stallion shifts his weight between all fours with excitement. There is no telling where she had been or, what stories she may bring home. The snarky comment elicits a chuckle from male before ears pin against poll when her teeth graze his shoulder. He extends his parted maw to playfully return the gesture. His dentition grasps only air; however, Velk could feel the spark of his inner warrior ignite with her instigation. Valdis' next comment does little to spark his curiosity. Solace gave it little heed and, while it indicates that family extends beyond the mountain valley's borders, it does not insinuate anything more.

    He rocks back and realizes that their dam's attention is caught by something which draws close. Velk permits his light blue orbs to wander away from the pair of ladies. The flutter of another pair of wings causes him to glance up and catch the descent of a two-toned equine, marked in colors much like his own and, a pattern that is quite similar. As the musky stranger's cologne enters nares, Velk flares his nostrils to expose the moist salmon lining. His widened olfactory channels draw the scent in so that thinker-box may process it fully. While Valdis continues to watch the mature stallion meet solid ground, ink-and-milk hued steed glances briefly towards Solace. He notes that she seems composed and comfortable and thus, Velk, too, remains calm for now. The stranger offers a greeting in a tentative tone and then, his lobes catch the reserved tone of their mother. He listens and, processes completely before his light blue gaze rests again on the larger male, his father. When their eyes make contact, Velk offers a genuine smile. He next steps forward and extends his whiskered muzzle towards that of his sire's. Softly, he finds his voice. "Hello, Castile. I am Velk."


    @[Castile] @[Valdis] @[Solace]

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    RE: The Dark Light [Solace, Kagerus, Castile, any] - by Velk - 10-08-2018, 05:13 PM

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