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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Here’s to the lives that you’re gonna change - Chryseis, family
    Today’s rounds had proven rather fruitless having come across nothing of particular interest to the ink stained woman.  A deceptive quiet seemed to have blanketed the northern kingdom as of lately, as if Nerine herself was standing idly by with a bated breath, sensing that a it was due time for some type of disruption to make rippling waves.  Breckin’s own breath had been metaphorically held and her gut had become plagued with a roiling unease wondering if, when, and how the lavender escapee might make good on his threats.  Unfortunately it would seem only time would tell, and the Leviathan queen would do well to bide her time in preparation.

    Leilan was gone today, venturing to Hyaline to visit with Chryseis in the neighboring sanctuary kingdom.  If she knew him well however, he wouldn’t be gone very long, never seemingly willing to stay away from her near whereabouts for very long.  It was his prerogative that was beautifully frustrating and annoyingly endearing at the same time.  As much as he fed into whatever she usually asked of him, the passionate severity behind his tumultuous eyes had given her little want to argue with him over the subject, understanding that on that particular matter she would not get her way.   So with little resistance she’d simply come to accept it for what it was.

    Despite the lack of her distant shadow today, Breckin maintained the careful guard she always did when out of the scope of their cavern, mindful of the subtle goings on unfolding around her, or lack thereof. 

    It’s no surprise then when the sudden appearance of her Dosh and little Blue rapidly closing in on something in the distance that the rate of her increasing bored begins to sputter and stall.  With newfound interest and her curiosity sparking brightly, the spotted mare follows smoothly in their wake, neatly closing the distance between herself and the gathering of…six other horses.

    When recognition of just exactly who these horses were washes over her, her movement falters, nearly stumbling over a misplaced step that normally would not have hindered her.  Apparently she’d happened upon not just a random gathering, but a gathering of her lover’s family.  Leilan, Chryseis, Scorch, Blue, Thorgal, and another little one handsomely adorned with intricate patterns of gold.  Another little one.  She nearly chokes on a laugh of disbelief, but it catches and dies in her throat with the incredulous glance she passes over them.

    As much as she’d love to spend time with the gold blazed girl again, it crosses her mind if there was a chance she might’ve gone unnoticed to the group thus far and she could indulge in selfish cowardice to simply turn and slink away silently.  But logic holds her captive in the precious seconds she wastes, presuming that with Leilan or Scorch’s superior sight that either one or the both of them would have noticed her by now.  With the release of a long breath of resignation, she calls on her reliable mask of false composure, fixing the fallen line of her lips into warm smile.

    “Hello everyone,” she says as her gaze drifts evenly between those gathered, her brown eyes holding onto Chryseis marginally longer.  “Hello not-so-little-anymore dove, it’s wonderful to see you again.”

    @[Leilan] @[Chryseis] @[Ophanim] @[Scorch] @[Blue] @[Thorgal] holy cow that's alotta tags

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    RE: Here’s to the lives that you’re gonna change - Chryseis, family - by Breckin - 10-17-2018, 09:04 PM

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