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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura


    He is confusing but interesting and she decides right here and now that it doesn’t really matter what he says because they are friends. He is different from any of her other friends (a little older, a little meaner, a little skinnier even though he is so much bigger) but none of that matters because he is her friend.

    And she will find him again, even if he said she can’t.

    Daddy always did say she wasn’t the best at listening (although he kind of always looks proud when he says it). It doesn’t matter that he doesn’t want her to come find him because she was going to—


    Just as soon as she can figure out a way to sneak away from daddy and momma.

    She frowns at him when he explains that it was a nightmare, scrunching up her nose.

    “That’s not what she said,” she says hesitantly before lifting her chin a little higher. “It’s nothing, baby girl,” she says in her best Leliana impression, a little breathy and a little too low. “Just a lovely dream.”

    Then she giggles and focuses on what he is saying because it seems incredibly important.

    “I won’t forget about you,” she says, her voice a little quieter. She reaches up and plants a kiss on his jaw, being careful to keep her fangs tucked away. Daddy always warns her about them, that the wrong move and they could cause too much hurt. “You won’t forget about me, right? Even if I’m not your friend?”

    Her heart hurt a little in her chest and she is surprised by the sensation but doesn’t say anything. It doesn’t seem like the right time to tell him that. Instead she just gives him a grin, the sadness disappearing as he grows a little playful. “No nightmares for me!” She swings her head back and forth, dropping back into that childish impression of her mother’s throaty voice. “Just lovely dreams. Lovely, lovely dreams.”

    When he mentions her daddy, she pauses, and she tilts her reptilian glance back up at him, one corner of her mouth growing mischievous. “Like a secret?” She thinks on that, deciding that she likes it quite a bit. “I like secrets. You can be my secret friend.” Another grin back at him, her scaled legs tucked neatly beneath her chest, thinking nothing of the fact that she just admitted that they would be friends.

    They would.

    And he would just have to learn how to deal with it.

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