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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    summer beach party ♥ all young horses WITH PRIZES


    She has been invited by some younger person or other. Despite having crossed over into adulthood she still counts among the young and is usually in the company of others very close to her own age and younger. The trip to the beach where they are to gather is one she has made before on her own. She had hoped to run into Rhaegor, Litotes, or another of her friends on the way to the beach but she ends up arriving alone to find a small group loosely collecting. She recognizes Rhaegor and his siblings though she has not met the other colt or filly yet. Clayton too is a familiar face. A mare her age stands apart a little, while Rhaegor’s sister charms and introduces all around those already here. Kensa think’s she’ll probably like the antlered filly. As she descends toward the beach she watches a little roan girl brush her muzzle over the angle of Rhagor’s shoulder, a burr of curiosity--who is that then?--settles under her skin but she does not head directly for her buckskin friend.

    First she approaches the bay and indigo girl who seems to shy to join either knot of youths. As she came down the hill she’d spotted her gazing toward Rhae and thinks she might be able to draw her into the group. The warm light of the fading day burnishes her liver chestnut pelt and her flaxen mane seems to soak up all the remaining day and reflect in back brightly. This is not what makes her beautiful, but rather the warm way she smiles at the stranger, her golden gemstone eyes kind. “Hi, I’m Kensa. I’m going over to talk with Rhaegor if you want to come. He’s a friend of mine.” Her silvery voice is soft and she endeavors to just give the other young mare an ‘in’. Maybe she knows more people than Kensa and is just shy...but the mustang girl is not shy. She is the friend who clings to your hand and pulls you along into laughter.

    After speaking to Ivy and perhaps collecting her into coming along, Kensa splashes through the surf to greet the little group held in Warlight’s sway. “Hi!” She says brightly, “My name is Kensa.” She pauses, looking toward Ivy in case she decides to introduce herself as well, before continuing in her fluid, gregarious way. “I’ve met Clayton and Rhagor, but what are your names?” She is truly interested and her eyes alight on each of the younger horses in turn, her warmest smile flashed to Rhaegor who she knew best. He gaze does linger just a little longer on the blue roan girl beside him, topaz eyes full of good natured curiosity before bouncing back to the others.

    i'm burning like a fire gone wild on saturday
    guess i won't be coming to church on sunday
    i'll be waiting for love to come around

    I thought I'd have Kensa gather up Ivy and come on over, but if Ivy doesn't want to be drug along we will understand. Just thought she'd be the type to pull her in. <3

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: summer beach party ♥ all young horses - by Kensa - 10-24-2018, 08:31 PM
    I had visions, I was in them - by Achlyss - 10-25-2018, 09:35 AM

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