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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  This Beast Inside of Me | Dovev (Private)
    His eyes are onyx surrounded by coal as they meet his own. Zor doesn't see the haunted and hollow, because he doesn't want to. As he takes the other in, he seeks the fire that matches his own. The burning need and bloody ache. Dovev says his name softly, and Zor's ears flatten. He doesn't want soft. Not now. And then the other man's posture changes- yes- and he squares up to him from across the clearing, becoming ready for what was coming. He loves that, the way the man always seems to know just what he needs. Accepting of what he is. Always rising to meet him. The moment those onyx eyes glitter with the reflection of his own need, his fire rises hotter. So hot. Zor knows him too. Knows what he used to be, and still is- under all that ick and grime and bone, under the skeletal appearance and rank smell that permeates the air around him.

    Underneath it all is the beautiful boy he'd met in the meadow all those months ago. Had it really only been a little over a year? God, it felt like so much longer. Felt like he'd known this man his whole life, and had been apart for so long. Too long. Fuck, he's missed him. And even just the realization of that pisses him off even further. How could he have let this all happen? Let Dov dig a hole into his mind and burrow there, and then Dizzy too. And how could Dovev still have so much of an effect on them, when they hadn't seen him in so goddamn long?! But now, as he stares deep into the eyes of the source of all his rage and inner pain, he realizes. How could he let this happen? Hell, how could he not?

    They are a blur of motion as the gold and white rushes toward the ebon and bone and stars. The beast in his head roars as Dov charges to meet him, and Zor's heart thunders with some conflicting mixture of joy and rage. He braces himself in glorious anticipation, and when they collide, he grunts with the impact of sharp and rigid bone meeting his muscled shoulder. He'd already had his head and neck swung away, so he barely feels the rasp of Dov's teeth against his skin, and oh- it just isn't enough. Though it does awaken nerve-endings that are fervid, yearning for more. Blood rushes to his shoulder where they'd clashed, and he relishes that there will be a delicious bruise there later.

    Still moving, he turns and plants into the forest floor, sending his hind legs out to successfully strike the other behind him. The echoing 'crack!' of hoof against that bony armor and duller thud of his other hoof against flesh between abdomen and stifle, send satisfaction coursing through him just as it drives him on. He isn't through yet, spinning to meet Dov as the other turns to him and he lands his bite to the exposed sinewy neck. The combination of the feel of skin and flesh between his teeth and Dov's cry of pain in his ears sends a rush of pleasure through him and has him hardening in a place long untouched. He leans in against the rise of Dov's foreleg, into the pressure at his chest.

    Finally, finally he can be himself. Can shove away the inner turmoil for a bit of release. So much pressure had been bottling inside him, more than he'd even realized. How he'd needed him- this man, his equal, a partner in pain and in pleasure. And now they were connected in more ways. Through Dizzy, and through Zoe. Never before did he hate himself so much. Hate his needs, his desires. He hates that he loves his sister more than anyone, hates the fact he can't fix her. Hates that she needs Dov just as bad as Zor himself does- though he has so far refused to admit it. And he hates that he wants this man and his blood all over him.

    Then, he can't take it anymore. Pulls away from the black and bony brute and snarls his fury at him. Dovev's eyes are like daggers as he glares back at him, inciting additional sparks of electricity down his spine. "Dying." Not at all the response he might have expected. He doesn't even know how to respond to that, but fortunately he doesn't have to worry much about it. "But I'm not dead yet." Mmm, those eyes glitter like stars in the night as he squares up to him once more. Zoryn licks his lips as Dov bunches on his ass and launches at him, head on. He tosses his chin up and grins as Dov ducks his masked head out to the right, and Zor half-rears to catch him square in his chest, backing up a couple steps from the force of him. Most of the hit is blunt from Dov's shoulder plate, but a small point of it pierces into the skin and fat guarding the muscles within Zor's breast. Blood seeps from the fresh wound, bright red against gold and ivory. His breath hisses out through clenched jaws and he doesn't fight the husky groan that escapes him as Dov's mouth clamps down on the fleshy part of his triceps on his right foreleg.

    Zoryn doesn't pull back, but leans into the weight of Dovev, reaching his head over to land an easy bite to the other's exposed crest. His moan is muffled by Dov's mane and flesh there just before his withers. He bites down just hard enough to get the other to release his hold on his leg, and then he shifts his body forward so that their shoulders brush and stops when they are barrel-to-barrel, his muzzle leaned in toward Dov's flank where he can place a softer bite near the plate covering his hip, tasting the blood that was already there before him, then laving his tongue over the sting. "Damn it, I've missed you, Dov." His voice is a deep growl, following the line of exposed flesh down his thigh to nip there and again to his gaskin. He doesn't care if Dov continues to attack him, but his part is done for the moment as he lets the pain already given sink in and he catches his breath.

    Still, his fire burns a vibrant blue within him, much like the markings just below his mouth on Dov's legs. But as pain has been dealt, there is still some indulgence he craves too. Brushing his nose back up along the same trail, he lets his lips linger along the skin at Dov's spine, touching even as he turns his head to peer at the other's face. "You once told me you'd be the only one that could sate me. Prove it." He grins as he goads him, teeth flashing before he nips at his skin again, following behind with his tongue, easing the fleeting sting. It wasn't true, that Dov is the only one who could give him what he needs, but it is now. And in just this moment, he doesn't care anymore, doesn't focus on anything but the high of mixing pain and pleasure. The ache of need swirling deep in his belly, and lower. "Or have you forgotten?"

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: This Beast Inside of Me | Dovev (Private) - by Zoryn - 10-25-2018, 10:54 PM

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