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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  i feel a bad moon rising - Wolfbane

    When I'm alone slow dancing in the dark

    Though the times have been few and far between, when Lepis touches him with her gift Wolfbane feels his body attune itself to the strange sensation. There’s the hint of knowledge he gets right before a feeling, just a twinge of surprise you could say. Not enough to build resistance or determine pure, outright forgery but just enough that when a blooming warmth overtakes him, Bane knows it can’t possibly all come from himself. The strange force of it cripples any other emotion he’d been feeling - lust, joy, love - and leaves him smothered in complacent silence.

    His partner seems so sure of herself now, so completely ideal and practically vibrating in tune to the world around her. The drake can only watch in respectful, hushed wonder at the glowing quiver of her wings as they span out and over the packed earth of their tomb. “Her gleaming scars are bricks, each one.” He waxes poetic in his thoughts, eyeing the way they shine. “She’s built a fortress of herself and I’ve come to knock it down, add it to my own.”

    He’s never heard the true story of her captivity, just like she’s never been privy to his childhood of physical and mental trauma.

    Someone had, years ago, but he’s forgotten just who that was.

    Only Lepis remains and she’s flush against him once more, right where he likes her best. The chains which once bound him into stupefied quiet are gone again, and those old familiar dogs of his come bounding back with full vigor. “You never really left, dove.” He chuckles, dark as the sin he covers her with seconds later. Neither daylight or threat of discovery holds him back now, so the Queen gives and he takes with interest, piling their forbidden intimacy in layers on top of one another until it’s as if no wrongdoing had been committed in the first place.

    Later, when he’s good and truly spun out, Wolfbane stays a while longer in the inebriating scent they’ve left behind to watch her go, and only then does he spot the too-perfect collection of geodes shelved away. “I’ll add another.” He thinks, spinning out the dream of them so that it becomes a memory. Eternity passes, at last he leaves as well but that shiny, too-perfect memory stays put; just another thing encased in crystal.

    Don't follow me, you'll end up in my arms

    [Image: Wolfbane2.png][Image: 3bCHvj.png]

    Messages In This Thread
    i feel a bad moon rising - Wolfbane - by Lepis - 10-01-2018, 07:28 AM
    RE: i feel a bad moon rising - Wolfbane - by Wolfbane - 10-27-2018, 08:46 PM

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