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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    A God's Creation ||Open||

    As my eyes skim over my treasures I keep hidden within the cobalt blue waters, a sudden movement from above alerts me.  My face tips upwards slowly as I tread the depths.  Sapphire eyes see only a shadow hover above the surface and then a disturbance upon the still surface.  Here, at this far edge, the waterfalls did not cause even the slightest ripples.  

    My eyes narrow on the prey that I now see.  The radiating warmth of flesh and blood pierced by my teeth is fixated in my mind, and I can feel my darkest parts surfacing. No Deiti! Stop! I plead with myself.  Clamping my eyes shut and clenching my jaws tight, I allow bubbles of air to rise to the surface.  Alerting the creature of land that something exists below these waters.  If they were smart they would run.  Flee before I lose control again.

    The imagine of Leilan enters my mind just then, softening me and bringing reality back.  Still I fear what may happen and so I retreat to a further part of my pool.  Rising just near where the waters from above trickles down to cause choppy waters.  Here they may not notice my face breaking through the plain of aqua.  

    My slitted eyes adjust to the brighter light of day. Shifting to find just what was near my home.  Tracing my path back to the still lagoon I see a form of granite and pearl.  A soft trace of light reflects off ridges of seemingly tiny reflectors.  I know this look from the many fish that call this pool home.  The way they light reflects the sun and dazzles there bodies in a prism of colors.  My body is much the same in that aspect, but I lack the singular unity of these type of scales.  My flesh is more skin than scale, like that of a water snake.  

    Of what I can tell, the strangers seems harmless and is simply seeking a refreshing drink.  I have no qualms in allowing others to satisfy their mortal needs here.  So I rise just a bit farther out of the crystalline pond, my finned tail effortlessly allowing the fluid movement.  Typically shy at first, I tend to warm up quickly to those I feel unthreatened by.  But I allow this stranger to decide if I am a threat or not by seeing me first... 

    A God's Creation | Carnage X Dynast
    //Equus Kelpus-Immortality\\

    Messages In This Thread
    A God's Creation ||Open|| - by Deiti - 11-18-2018, 05:47 PM
    RE: A God's Creation ||Open|| - by Lothbrok - 11-22-2018, 02:33 PM
    RE: A God's Creation ||Open|| - by Deiti - 11-23-2018, 10:31 PM

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