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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  Slice of the Devil's Pie || Aurora ||


    The world had awoken her with its trembling in Tephra, but something else was pulling her from the deepest parts of her broken subconcious.  A gift, given to her as reward for her sacrifices, is what twists her up inside.  It knows something is wrong.  It snaps her mind awake and lets her see for the first time in a decade.  

    It starts as a sickly young stallion wandering through the kingdom of ash and lava.  His sickness as clear as day to her and she is drawn to him.  The gown of tattered feathers drag behind her for she had not cared to renew herself since Rou's death.  She hadn't anything to live for, so why look the part of sanity when you are so close to the edge of falling.  This splashed colt though breathes a new life into her.  A purpose she had long but thought gone.  And she reaches out to him with her magic and repairs what little she can.  If anything, she could calm his cough and soothe his aches.

    When they part ways she feels a sense of peace, but it is short lived as she finds out that their world has fallen into trying times.  That only a few lands are safe from the disease that wreaks havoc on most lands.  There is only one place that comes to mind now, the Den.  Surely the fairies would protect the most vulnerable of Beqanna... Wouldn't they?

    Her heart beats steadily for the first time in a long time.  Golden-flecked eyes turn towards Tephras border with fear.  The dull appearance of her body suddenly brightens as adrenaline fuels the power within her.  Giving her strength once again.  The journey would be long, this is knows, and without further thought her cream limbs are stretching across many lands.  Peacock feathers stream behind her as her muscles ripple under her caramel coat. 


    Her arrival takes days but it is the fastest she could travel by land.  And when she steps into the deciduous forests, it is green with life.  Not something she had expected honestly.  She slows to a brisk walk and weaves through the thick underbrush.  Stepping over fallen trees and around large stones, her eyes ever vigilant to her surrounding.  It is quiet.  Too quiet, she thinks. 

    Suddenly a crack of twig reverberates through the dense land and she halts.  Nares flare to draw in the scent of something she hasn't come across in years.  Since Diavolis birth to be exact.  It frightens her and causes her to remain alert.  Another could be nearby birthing their foals, so she steps lightly.

    The scent is laced with something concerning and as she ventures farther, it grows stronger.  More pungent. An intuition begs her to come closer and so she listens.  It hadn't been wrong before and so she has no reason to doubt it.

    Cresting over a small incline, she looks down to find a black pool at the base.  It shocks her, twisting her ears forward through a tangled mess of cream locks.  She watches it carefully for a short while and it does nothing, but something sits heavy in her chest and pulls her closer.

    With bend neck she approaches cautiously.  Expecting nothing to come of the glossy mass, but as she nears it takes a form that is all too familiar.  Sprawled limbs and skeletal ribs, the frail body is deathly still when she comes to rest at its side.  Sadness envelopes her for a small life lost much too soon.  Her cream muzzle presses against its tiny skull as if to bid him farewell.  But when the warmth of her flesh touches the child, she can feel an equal warmth.  With a surprise jerk of her head, her eyes widen at how it is still warm.  Still alive.  

    Quickly she gathers her magic and wraps her fingers into the core of the foal.  Stroking his heart to flutter with strength.  Expanding and contracting his lungs to breathe.  These were the parts he needed most and so she revives them all before falling silent beside him to watch if her efforts prevailed or if she had been too late...

    Not all that glitters is gold

    @[Astroh] will you be playing him or is someone else?

    Messages In This Thread
    Slice of the Devil's Pie || Aurora || - by Rey - 11-23-2018, 07:02 PM
    RE: Slice of the Devil's Pie || Aurora || - by AuroraElis - 11-24-2018, 11:11 AM
    RE: Slice of the Devil's Pie || Aurora || - by Astroh - 12-08-2018, 12:22 PM

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