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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  a new king will rise from the ashes; everyone

    this time I’m torn, please wake me if I lose that face
    search in these eyes: there’s still fire in the darkness

    How many goddamn times must their family be followed by idiots forcing a takeover. Well, they wouldn't be leaving peacefully this time. They wouldn't be leaving at all.

    It was a wrath like no other that consumed her. Always the victim, and now the threat. She wanted to run to Tiphon's side, fear gripping her heart as firmly as this beast's claws could. That urge pissed her off, and the sudden, deep worry for Tiphon did too. She didn't want to feel for anyone. It never ended well for her.

    Her brown eyes were rimmed in icy white, frost dusting her hair as she stormed into this outrageous mess. She held murder in her bladed gaze, locked onto the fool stupid enough to think he could just take over. Not especially after forcing his way in and attacking Tiphon.

    The hell he would.

    With each purposeful step she took, the ground froze beneath her, announcing her presence with a furious clicking like high heels over porcelain. That was irritating too, but she'd figure out how to subdue it later.

    "You will remove yourself from our home immediately." She stopped, her breath released in hazy steam before her as the air around her clung to the cold that covered her skin. Even her voice was crisp and frigid, unforgiving and firm. "We do not honor Tiphon's relinquishment of leadership to you. Your promises mean nothing."

    She shifted her stance subtly, but it was a clear challenge. She would not be entrusting her family to his care. What had he shown of himself so far? Violence and force, thoughtless actions and absolute inconsideration for those he claims for himself. He was completely unacceptable as a candidate for their home, and she'd take care of this her damn self if no one else would.

    "I will lead us if I have to, but it will NOT be you. Now LEAVE. This is OUR home and you are not welcome here."


    Wallace says awhhellnah. :|

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    RE: a new king will rise from the ashes; everyone - by Wallace - 01-20-2019, 12:20 PM

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