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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  a new king will rise from the ashes; everyone

    They come from every edge of where the eye faltered.

    Lior could and would not pass judgement. He had never been to the resort and can recall when this land has ceased to exist but he is a good father, and proud, so he supports Castile openly with his presence. Silver-white eyes acknowledge the former king with a silent eye. He watches how the skin puckers ever so slightly beneath the flawless skin, the gold nearly blinding as the sunlight reflected from the angelic stallions very being. Lior wonders what it is like to be so pure in a world far too cruel to understand the gift it harbored...

    Lior understands their objection. He can sympathize with their distraught and immediate reaction. Change was bad! New leaders meant new rules! New iron walls to trap citizens and keep them from their bawling babes caught on the outside! But no, no, it was not as it has to be. There was a time and place when to recognize stagnant grounds...parasites festered in stagnant grounds. To grow strong, all must work together to protect. All must contribute. A leader is meant to be ordained as a sacrificial lamb when war or change came...it was in actually, a generous offer, to be the head of a stagnant and vulnerable land.

    Lior watches how they raises their voices, some silent and watching, others meandering along the outer edges. He still says nothing but is keen to the way their lashes flinch nervously at the boom of Tiphon voice or the way tails snap and hooves stomp to garner a cloud of dust as Castile attempts with civic reason. The pale eyes focus on the pheonix mare as she slips to a more reasonable, somber appearance. An ear is offered to catch the words she offers.

    She seems to understand, a glimmer of hope blooms within the gunmetal stallion, she was more than just a fair face of the Resort residents and Lior makes a mental note that she was a promising thing he would potentially seek out for conversation, interested in what brought her to the island. Lior would do so with each and all who chose to remain but he would start with the phoenix.

    Still it seemed the males could not be reasoned with, but then again young males were hotheaded and ridiculously enthusiastic in displaying just how big each of them were in a masqueraded pissing contest. Lior lifts a brow from beneath the tangle of his dark hair, pushing it away so be may look upon the newest face...a blue mare at the shoulder of the pale lavender dragoness. The stallion wonders who else was planning to show up...and if there were more then could they just get the fuck on with it already? They were wasting daylight and Lior was already looking across the edge of the sea for a cave to take a nice well deserved nap in.

    Lior flickers an eye and ear to his son and grunts gently, uttering his readiness to solve this little debacle one way or another.


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    RE: a new king will rise from the ashes; everyone - by Lior - 01-21-2019, 10:29 PM

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