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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  holiday party; wallace

    this time I’m torn, please wake me if I lose that face
    search in these eyes: there’s still fire in the darkness

    She wasn't sure what her family's reaction was when he came for her. All her attention was on him, a secret smile quirked in her lips. Kharon was already away with one of his girls, and Kali was likely with her father or other children now that she seemed mostly recovered from her trauma. And Reilly... She didn't want to think too hard on that.

    It was just a date, anyway. She hardly knew him, right?

    "I believe that I promised you a date," he whispered, touching her neck and sending chills down her spine. "I hope that this will do," he added, gesturing to the party.

    It was already beginning to swell with people, friendly faces from far and wide to enjoy the company and the festivities. She'd never thought she was the kind of girl for parties, but with the frost dusting her hair and her back, she could admit she did look rather suited for this one. It struck a fleeting thought in her mind before she dashed it away, that she may be of some use now in comforting their visitors and refugees on the normally hot island.

    "I never thought I would be one who enjoyed parties," he seemed to echo her thoughts and she smiled, looking up to the sky to watch his handiwork.

    "You're impossible, Woolf," she scolded lightly, though her brown eyes glittered with girlish delight. She'd always lived on an island, this one or Ischia. Her entire life. Snow and winter was certainly a new experience for her and she was easily awed by the soft white, the glowing lights, the warmth of him beside her.

    "I've never seen so many people," she commented quietly as her eyes drifted down again. Even Ischia had not been so filled with characters; rascal children and joyous lovers and friends alike. She almost glanced at him to gauge his reaction, but stopped herself. Maybe it was odd that she'd never ventured out. Well, she had. The once. She'd learned not to do it again. Home with Reilly and Sabrael was safe, her children and Ea. And then home with Kirby too, in some way. He wouldn't touch her again, and he was fiercely protective of their children and their island.

    Her breath fogged before her as it always might from now on, and she turned to peer in his handsome face as they strolled leisurely through the holiday gathering. "Where do you live, Woolf? Where is your family?"


    Messages In This Thread
    holiday party; wallace - by woolf - 12-26-2018, 03:41 PM
    RE: holiday party; wallace - by Wallace - 01-28-2019, 08:06 PM
    RE: holiday party; wallace - by woolf - 02-02-2019, 07:39 PM
    RE: holiday party; wallace - by Wallace - 02-10-2019, 12:28 PM
    RE: holiday party; wallace - by woolf - 02-11-2019, 02:33 AM

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