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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    bottom of the deep blue sea; sochi/castile/any
    Isobell is pleased to be met after her short landfall to Loess. This means his land is guarded well, secure and safe. A tigress emerges from brush and bramble with a weighted gaze. Iso eyes the she-cat but she is more delighted to watch as the cream and coffee coated feline melds to that of a pretty black mare marked by crimson scar and blue blaze of a shield.

    'Hello.' It is offered from between soft lips that previous held thick teeth. Isobell is slightly relieved that the claws are replaced by hooves. The kelpie mare nods her greeting with the dip of her dark head, a tumble of hair falling. "Iso-" The moonstone and obsidian mare begins before the familiar form of her brother emerges and her features light up like a morning sunrise. Silver eyes watch as he folds his wings, taking the dark mare's side with a possessive nibble and Isobell understands that this mare is important as he openly shows his adoration before the water mare (never had he done so before).

    Ears are forward and her smile is beaming from ear to ear as she moves his way to her to embrace and place a sibling nip. "Sochi, it's lovely to meet you...I'm Isobell." The tones are fluid as she expresses her greeting. The kelpie offers another polite nod. "Oh Ivar, you know, happy and content on our little island..." The mare smiles beautiful as she chuckles gently. "But I have news...Ivar has gifted me Ischia." She grins wider now in even her own astonishment, pewter eyes filled with love for her husband and his surprises. "I believe he is look for a little quiet from the comings and goings but I'm sure you know he will still be at my side." Isobell shares a look with Castile, knowing he is aware of his childhood friend's protective nature.

    "I believe mother would be proud." Isobell can feel the blossom of her new title swell in her breast since she had ruled Nerine. There is a pride, a responsibility, duty to her land that she had not realized she had missed. "Perhaps we should have a party? Maybe an official alliance of Loess and Ischia?" The suggestion is more playful than serious but perhaps it would be a fun way to invite all Beqanna residents to Ischia as an inauguration for Isobell but more so an even to create new allies whilst having fun.

    bottom of the deep blue sea

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    RE: bottom of the deep blue sea; sochi/castile/any - by Isobell - 03-01-2019, 11:19 AM

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