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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated; birthing , Litotes
    Nimue's eyes closed as she felt the soft spring air filter through her feathers, the sun hitting and splitting into prisms of colors as they landed across her opal wings. She seemed to fly much closer to the ground these days. The last few months she had begun to notice her sides rounding and growing. The realization that she was carrying a child had scare the shit out of her. 

    She had found a place tucked away from prying eyes and had cried to herself in terror and self pity. The last time she gave birth to a sweet beautiful girl, long before Beqanna, she had lost her. Death had claimed it's place upon her sweet child's head. She mourned for a child once lost and the possibility of it happening all over again. 

    Then there was the issue of the father, she didn't even know the damn father. It had been a slip in judgement, a passionate moment of need and want. She had not expected anything to come from it, but here she was.

    She knew she would have to start taking care of herself now, coming down from the sky to eat and drink, work her body not just her wings, try harder to find a place to settle (though nowhere had felt quite as comforting as the day she had spent in Pangea). Nimue wrapped her mind around what would change in her life and "pulled on her big girl panties", she could and would do this on her own if she had to.

    Her short flight today had dragged her closer to Pangea than she had intended, she could see the golden reflection of the canyons from her spot in the sky. The cremello's face flashed through her mind, silver snowflakes darkened by his wispy shadows, the same ones that had tickled her skin and flustered her mane. A smile, against her will, crept across her face. She was not in love with him by any means, but she couldn't deny the physical connection she had felt. Maybe they could be friends, she had said the last time she had seen him.

    Nimue's attention was altered as a heavy pain contracted through her abdomen, her wings faltered for only a second but it was enough to force Nimue to land. It's time, her world was about to change once again. She found a spot open enough to land but closed off enough for privacy. Her hooves found ground, softened by the late spring sun. The grasses had grown to tickle her barrel as her wings still splayed out touched the tops, softly bending the grass marking her path slowly as she made her way closer to Pangea's border. The pressure in her body intensified as she walked, her breathing slowed in attempt to control the pain that had began to settle. 

    The grass thinned as she found a nook along the beginnings of the limestone walls of Pangea's canyons, she was not entirely sure that she hadn't actually crossed the border already. The thoughts of her child being born in the land they were conceived in only had time to pass her consciousness for a second before a single, solid contraction took hold of her entire body. Her wings folded into her sides as she fell to the ground, her eyes closed so tight she began to see stars. She locked her jaw as to let nothing but a pitiful whimper pass through as she bore down, pushing into the pain as it came. 

    A moment to breath. Another contraction. More pushing. Another breath. Another contraction. Tears slipping down her face leaving tracks against the limestone dust. One more push.

    She felt the pressure pass as her child slipped from her womb to the grassy, dusty ground below. A sigh of relief passing through her entire body to escape into the wind. Nimue found her legs, shaking from exhaustion she went to her child side to clean her from the birth that accompanied her. A buckskin filly, as light as the canyons she lays next to with markings as dark as the shadows that fell amongst them. Silver snow flakes freckled her muzzle, and one amber eye and one bright blue eye stared up at her in total awe. Nimue lipped at her long, brown baby mane. "Felicitey" she breathed as she nudged the filly to stand.

    Felicitey's legs wobbled below her, as she stared up at her mother. A crooked, gummy grin covered her face. She thought her mother had whispered something to her but she didn't seem to have caught exactly what she had said. It was no matter, she thought as her tummy rumbled with hunger. She attempted to make her way to her mom's tit but her legs seemed to have gotten tangled beneath her as the world tipped side ways and she landed in a patch of soft grass, a plume of dust rising and tickling her nose. What was her problem, she could do this!

    Nimue watched ears at attention as her daughter tried to make her way but wobbled and fell sideways. She chuckled quietly as she went to nose the child up. One of Felicitey's ears stood up in curiosity while the other flopped lazily to the side. "Something is wrong with my baby" she muttered under her breath. "Use your wings to find your balance" she offered the fumbling babe.

    Use my wings? she thought curiously to herself as she unfurled the gold and brown wings from her barrel feeling the soft wind flow under and over her soft, baby feathers. She stood one last time with her wings slightly away from her body, the world was not so dizzy this time she thought with a wide grin plastered to her face. Just as quickly as the triumph came her attention was pulled to the tall waving grass. She nudged her way closer as another nose poked through. Hello, you must be my friend. I feel like I know you, but I've only just entered this world she said as small little hands cleared the grass and a small brown and gold monkey waddled through. Taking her face in his hands, the small creature nodded and touched his forehead to Feliciteys. I'm going to call you Dexter. Felicitey said matter of factly. Momma, look I have a friend she said excitedly as Dexter wrapped his arms around her slender neck and jumped to her back, his fingers finding hold in her mane closer to her deaf ear.

    When Felicitey turned around Nimue's ears pinned back as she saw the strange creature jump on her daughters back, but her demeanor quickly softened as she took in the sight of her daughters goofy grin and the monkey sticking to her defected side. What the.. she thought. No sooner did the words enter her mind than a hiccup rattled Felicitey's body. Nimue scrambled back, plastered to the canyon walls as she watched her daughter transform in front of her. Where her small, gangly daughter once stood was now a golden, squished face, lion cub. What the fuck!? What in the actual fuck just happened?? she screamed as she ran around a lonely piece of canyon, sticking up from the ground as if it were a tree trunk.   
    Lady of the Lake Sky
    Nimue Isolde

    @[litotes]  Angel

    tldr: Nimue had Felicitey on the border of the meadow and Pangea; she realized she was deaf in one ear (doesn't know this exactly; just that something is wrong) ; Felicitey finds her companion animal a capuchin monkey named Dexter; she hiccups and transforms into a lion cub; and Nimue's large ass is hiding behind a small rock bug eyed like WTF!


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    Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated; birthing , Litotes - by Nimue Isolde - 05-23-2019, 10:45 AM

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