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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [open quest]  i can see the whole world down below
    The darkness is overwhelming at first, but Soleil quickly finds it peaceful. Where her eyes once struggled to make sense of the emptiness, there is now just the gentle fluttering shut of a child’s eyelids. A sweet humming floats from the depths of her throat, filling the nothingness with the only sound she needs: herself.

    It is upon that realization that her eyes flash open, now blinded by the brilliant light so contrasted by the previous dark. She sighs and droop her head, little ears twisting backward to rest a centimeter above her skull. There are low murmurings from good distances away, faded voices of residents of Tephra she cares not to meet. Fox and Lynx are nowhere to be found - at least, Soleil has yet to discover their thoughts. She huffs and heat burns her throat, sending little tendrils of smoke out of her nostrils.

    Yet another trait she cannot control popping up in her most frustrated moment. The little babe grumbles to herself.

    The only distraction Soleil has is the undying, itching need to deceive. She shakes the cloudy blue fluff of her mane from her eyes and shivers, dragging a pale gaze over the bedraggled landscape of Tephra. Not much disturbs the healing land since the fire, though the little mind reader is not sure if she knows anything other than an isolated home. Still, she stretches her mind in every direction, quiets herself just enough to find even the most echoed thoughts. Find those whispered thoughts she does.

    Goddamn flies, he grumbles, voice grisly in the filly’s mind. She follows the murmuring as it grows stronger, the complaints growing more vulgar by the second. A fierce frown passes over her mouth: she does not like him already, but the desire to pull the wool over his eyes is disastrously strong.

    When Soleil finally happens upon the stallion, she hides behind a copse of thick jungle trees. His thoughts are easy to comb, simple and rude. The frown pulls a bit more taut around her mouth. Melancholy is a fitting adjective for her, but uncouth is not. His vile words mingle with a cruelty she has never faced before, and her mouth curls in her first ever sneer.

    What was that? the stallion thinks, whipping his head up to peer in the filly’s direction. A twig she did not realize she was pressing into finally snaps. A little flame covers her lips and then immediately disappears. She steps from the shadows, neither frightened nor confident - simply just there, absorbing his mind with a gentle tilt of her head.

    “What the hell do you want?” the stallion snaps. A slew of curses cross his mind, one in particular too destructive to go unnoticed: boring looking brat. For just a moment, Soleil seethes. Her fire is angry in her chest, hot and desperate to send chaos spewing from her mouth. This is starkly different from the childish tantrums she has thrown before (her first taste of injustice). Despite her fury, the babe is able to swallow the flames that lick at the back of her throat; now, she is merely taking note of the man’s equally as unremarkable appearance.

    Revenge is a seed sown ignorantly, kudzu-like in its rapid growth and endless reach. Soleil does not shy from its vines.

    “I’m just walking by,” she states, matter of fact as she steps in the opposite direction of him. Her faux-retreat is slow as she listens to his thoughts, searching for a piece of his puzzle she may rip from his brain. Finally, she pulls a name shrouded in fear from his absent thoughts.

    “Though . . .” Soleil pauses, pivoting to face the much larger creature once again. “That is not what Saul told me to do.” A grin is brilliant upon her lips. The stallion rears back. “He actually told me I should do this,” she finishes, voice growing stronger as the heat on her tongue strengthens into full flames. The filly spits her magic at the man, a flame as big as her chasing him as he stumbles back.

    “Fuck! You crazy ass -” but he is already galloping in the other direction, and Soleil is exhausted from exerting herself - she drifts to the ground before she can hear the rest. She sleeps.

    the grumpy old man is phae. i am inserting myself into beqanna :-)

    Messages In This Thread
    i can see the whole world down below - by Djinni - 05-24-2019, 10:39 PM
    RE: OPEN QUEST: i can see the whole world down below - by soleil - 06-06-2019, 10:51 PM

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