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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  don't let those butterflies out - any
    Large trees. Dark forest. Mystery. While Lilli could most likely be found where the wildest and most abundant flowers grew, while she found the most peaceful of spots next to moving water, his words do interest her. Perhaps, at one point, Lilli knew exactly what she wanted, knew where she belonged and what her future would look like. But then everything changed. The world went upside down and what was once set in stone was suddenly blank, a whole realm of possibilities waiting for the chestnut mare to make her mark on the world. Lilli doesn't know what the mark will be yet, she just knows that she has already tried several things and failed. She knows that there had been so many changes in her life and that with each one, she lost a little more of herself and that future she had painted.

    Perhaps that was the problem with imagining and wanting. What were the alternatives when the dreams fell apart; when the plans failed? The crimson girl was still a dreamer, she would always be. There would always be a story for Lilli to create and a whole domain for her discover, a place where the most unattainable, most unreachable things might come true. There would always be a place for Lilli to wonder what might have been, what dreams might wait among the clouds and what secrets the starlight might have to share. 

    Taiga might be very different than any home she might have contemplated for herself. But the future was blank -  a bright, clean sheet that was ready to be written.

    She does miss the way his eye glance over her crimson form, too absorbed in wondering where Taiga is and if this is really happening, if she really will follow Wolfbane. The gold and blue stallion moves forward, leading Lilli away from the expanse of the Meadow. And she follows, not even hesitating to take that first step. "It's absolutely a defect. I don't think either of my parents has ever been lost." It's hard for her not to laugh but the thought does seem ludicrous - her stoic father or commanding mother, lost? It seemed to her that they always knew what to do, where they had to be. She follows in tandem with Wolfbane, lost in thought for a moment as she sorts through her thoughts and memories. A nostalgic smile crosses Lilli's darkened maw, a fainter version of the one she normally wears. "I'm a bit of the black sheep in my family," Lilli adds, wondering if she is saying too much.

    She glances sidelong at the stallion then, her head tilting and the blue eyes peer up at him while she still manages to keep the pace. "What about you? Were you the golden child?" The question is said in jest and Lilli looks up to him, the smile coming brighter and the curiosity brimming in her gaze. It's said in that playful tone she knows, an easy way to attempt to conversation. But she finds herself wanting to know about Wolfbane and Taiga, all these questions demanding to be set free. "Were you born in Taiga?" The interest comes again, Lilli wanting to know how Bane found himself in the enigmatic place that the chestnut is already imagining in her mind.

    but it's all in the past, love
    it's all gone with the wind

    Messages In This Thread
    don't let those butterflies out - by lilliana - 07-04-2019, 06:28 PM
    RE: don't let those butterflies out - any - by lilliana - 07-14-2019, 09:09 PM

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