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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  truth hurts; needed something more exciting
    we were golden. we were fire. we were magic.

    There are a great many things that could be said about the Primarch’s demeanor and the paths her thoughts take but she has learned to be present in her home and attend to her duties. She wears a face of quiet calm, emotionless in its way but rarely cold. Her cheekbones are carved of marble but with such artistry that she is a warm and accessible kind of beautiful. Never an ice queen inspiring fear with her perfection. All of the pain alive inside of the woman is concealed, and she pursues every distraction from it.

    Her domain is well known to her and patrolled with frequency so that she sees a great many visitors and trespassers, or finds their scent trails not long gone cold. Some she ignores, uninterested in their purpose (though if they linger long she will expect their allegiance or to see them moving on) and others she greets still as the woman who has always been eager for friendship.

    As Hyaline moves swiftly towards evening (seemingly before the rest of Beqanna as the shadows grow long and cool among the mountains) the marbled chestnut makes a swift patrol. Often she moves around Hyaline on the speed of her own feet interspersed with teleportation between springs, river, and the lake itself. So she is a little damp when she arrives in time to hear Leilan greet the girl, if it could be called a greeting. Though he does not come across as truly surly Kensa sees that Leilan is accustomed to taking a direct and firm hand with children. She understands the value of that, though she is by nature gentle and very fond of the young. Especially when they are wily explorers like herself.

    Kensa’s hooves sound against the rocks, the basalt uneven beneath her hooves. “Hello there. Hello Leilan.” So she softens the meeting, the girls mother will scold if she feels it appropriate once she is returned home. They can keep her safe in the meantime. Kensa will not prune the desire to explore from the filly, that will not be her sin. “You are very high up my darling. Have you come from somewhere exciting?” The Primarch’s topaz eyes are bright and curious, her tone kind but laced with a youthful eagerness she will never lose. Leilan too receives her smiles, if she might charm him a little into joining her in a gentler interrogation of their young visitor. “My name is Kensa. Have you been to Hyaline before?”


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    RE: truth hurts; needed something more exciting - by Kensa - 08-17-2019, 03:18 PM

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