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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [open quest]  Summer School 2019 - Art in Chemistry
    He survived the singing assignment, and honestly it wasn't as embarassing as he imagined. He listens as Tir the teacher explains there next assignment, chemistry....boy he really just wasn't made out for school. But again, he wouldn't give up this easily, and so he sets out to create <i> something. </i>

    He was a horse of little traits, and even the ones he had didn't allow him to do anything spectacular. But after the assignment was granted his body felt different.....it was....magic running through his veins. He didn't know what magic he had or even how to use it...but maybe it would all make sense when he needed it?

    He knew exactly what he was going to 'create', he always had a fascination with shiny things. He didn't have to travel far, he runs into a couple boulders that came up to his knees. He didn't know if this magic thing would work, or even how to make it work...

    But he closes his eyes and thinks about the large flames that crackled from the mouth of some equines. As he takes a large breath, his throat grows warm and as he exhales his mouth spouts red and orange flames. His eyes shoot open and he is almost too amazed at this power to actually finish his task.

    But he regains focus, and the flame continues to blow until it becomes so hot the boulder melts. The once rock now a hot lava that slowly moved around the ground.

    Creating his end goal was a finicky task, he hadn't much time to waste. As his mouth closes and the fire extinguishes he imagines a rain cloud above him, and somehow one appears! He demands it to rain with his mind, and the cloud obeys. It now rains on him, the water was cool and as it clashes with the hot lava it begins to form his final creation.

    The pale stag watches with amazement, in disbelief he was actually able to create this! The rain slowly stops as the lava is now a shiny black rock, <i> an obsidian.</i> It truly has no purpose, a collection for those who enjoyed shiny things, perhaps a decoration in his home land...

    The pale stag paws at the rock, he needed to break apart the large obsidian, he couldn't carry back this huge formation. It took quite a few strikes, but he finally manage to smash a small bit off the end. The imperfect obsidian was perfect to him! It was shaped more like a hexagon than a circle, but it was beautiful. Perfectly shiny, and certain to catch the attention of any equine.

    He seems to be the first back with his creation, and he only hopes the teacher didn't find his creation too simple. He drops it before Tir and steps back to await the arrival of the others, a smile on his maw filled with pride.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: Summer School 2019 - Art in Chemistry - by Nolin - 08-18-2019, 01:04 PM

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