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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  you could be the light in my dark night; neverwhere
    She wonders about Murmuring Rivers every so often, even more now that she has come here. Lilli feels guilty about that. Shouldn't she be thinking more of Paraiso, the ancestral seat of her family? What of Culloden? The twinges are there, the reminder that she should think of them more often. But it is that favorite bend in the River, the place where the wildflowers danced in the late summer sun, the sound of the trickling river as it moved past her that come to mind. If she had been able, perhaps if she had some magical ability herself, she could have shared that place with Neverwhere. 

    What the silver mare would have made of her childhood home, well, that causes a smirk to dwell on Lilli's lips.

    An ear remains back on Neverwhere and she listens, trying to recreate the land and its people in her mind. "I think a simple life sounds lovely," she murmurs. Simple is a welcome thought after Fostbane and Orestes, after exchanging one home for another, for all the wrong decisions she made. She looks back to her silver companion, glancing back to see Never's expression as she speaks of her home. "Do you miss them?" she prompts. The curiosity runs rampant on Lilliana's face as she tries to understand Neverwhere's history, this place where the way of life was the paths they determined on their own. For as simple as they sound, Lilli thinks they sound noble, a reflection that she sees in her new friend.

    Her attention resumes on the path ahead, Lilli finding her stride the further they go. One ear does occasionally flick back as she listens, not wanting to miss something that Neverwhere has to say. As the shadows start to grow longer, as the crickets come calling and the night beckons, she becomes more determined that they will reach the River before nightfall.

    "My mother's herd was like that," she offers. "They had no magic to speak of. The sons were sent to make their own way into the world and the daughters were intended for alliances, to bring the neighboring herds together. She left before that could happen but you remind me of her," she says, looking back to offer Neverwhere a grin. "She thought that domestication of a herd and being a broodmare sounded much more tumultuous than the frozen mountains around her so she left to make her own way."

    For one, aching moment Lilli wishes she could do a better job of recalling her mother because in Lilli's eyes, there is no higher compliment than being compared to Paraiso's former Queen and Regent.

    And that is when the music chimes - when the lovely sound of running water reaches her ears. The grin broadens to surprise and joy. She shares the moment with Neverwhere as the other mare nods and Lilli can hardly believe that she was actually able to find it. It makes her feel not so helpless or hopeless, as if there might be something redeeming in her after all. Maybe, just maybe, there might be a chance to make sense of this place.

    With rather childlike energy, she inclines her head towards the sound. "Not much further," she says, still disbelieving. "We should make the River before the moon rises." The chestnut is ready to continue to trek on, her hooves itching to go. But a concerned glance back to Neverwhere stops her, "Your doing alright? If it's too dark, just tell me to stop and we can rest for the night."

    but it's all in the past, love
    it's all gone with the wind

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: you could be the light in my dark night; neverwhere - by lilliana - 08-18-2019, 06:21 PM

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