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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [private]  but i'm scared i'll get scared, starsin.
    <div style="Margin:Auto;box-shadow:0px 0px 15px #000;background:linear-gradient(to bottom,rgba(86,84,97,0)400px,rgba(86,84,97,1)600px),url('https://i.postimg.cc/Bbjy2yFy/ophie.png')top no-repeat,#000;width:490px;padding:550px 10px 0px 10px;border:1px solid #000;border-radius:250px 250px 0px 0px;"><div style="text-align:center;margin-bottom:-25px;font:48px times new roman;letter-spacing:35px;padding-left:20px;color:rgba(86,84,97,1);text-shadow:0px 0px 5px #000;">OPHANIM</div><div style="border:3px double #000;border-radius:35%/35px;border-top:0px;border-bottom:0px;padding:30px 5px;color:#000;"> If there are parallel universes, he thinks that he would choose her in every single one of them regardless of the cost. The endless threads of fate would always weave them together and tie their heart strings in nice, decorative little bows. Maybe some would not be as strong as this life, but their bones would sing the same hymns to one another on some level. He could hunt her by heartbeat alone in the blackest night.

    He knows her by the sound of her hooves, reckless up the rocks to him as she breathes his name, and he doesn’t have to turn to confirm it’s her. His masochist heart cries out for her and he wants to rip it out himself already for trying to flee into her embrace so readily. Still, he can’t deny the way his temperature rises like a wild fever burning with a need for her. Once upon a time, he had thought he could find room for Adna there between his ribs but the scorching intensity of his devotion to Starsin would have swallowed it whole. It would have licked its greedy fingers clean and asked for more offerings on its altar.

    He knows this, now, and so the solution is clear.
    Rip it out, root and stem. Crush every shimmering fractal piece or it will bloom like wildfire in a dry summer, delighted at the challenge.

    Ophanim turns his head and he exhales in a slow sigh to steady himself. He hadn’t expected her to come seeking him out. The glowing tear trails down his cheeks fit right in with the pained smile he offers her when she says his name again. His breath shudders from his lungs when she lets her lips find his neck. In isolation so long, he’d forgotten how ravenous he could be for any morsel of her affections.

    “<I>Starsin,</i>” he says and nearly chokes on the sound of her name on his tongue. Her name, thick like honey on his lips and twice as sweet. The angel boy hesitates but forces himself to continue. “<I>You shouldn’t be here. You should be anywhere else but here.</i>”

    He has always coddled his heart and fed its every desire like some spoiled child. Ophanim seized every opportunity to stuff himself full with the hollow promises of others and to use their bodies like he could ever be sated. But then, it had only pounded its fists and pouted to get its way. He had yielded to simple demands. Now, as it roars and foams at the corners of its mouth for even a kiss, he clenches his jaw and refuses to return her delicate touch. His body trembles beneath the enormity of his agony.

    “<I>All my life, you’re the only one I have ever loved. I never gave anyone even a sliver of hope that that could change,</i>” he says and his voice breaks. He forces himself to laugh at his own stupidity. “<I>Every inch of my heart has your name carved into it but you can’t say the same.</i>”

    And still he laughs. What good is a heart that weeps at night? Who could ever want an aching soul that just sits and waits by the phone for a call that won’t come? The greatest joke ever told and he’s the punchline of it all, he thinks. He laughs until it hurts (except it always hurts) and steps back from her, as the sounds turn to silent tears running down his red and white face.</div><div style="text-align:center;font-style:italic;margin-top:-15px;color:#2c2629;letter-spacing:3px;">you could drown in those eyes, i said.</div></div>

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: but i'm scared i'll get scared, starsin. - by Ophanim - 08-20-2019, 03:16 AM

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