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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    stories on the tip of our tongues; mary

    Fates, he thinks. She is bold.

    He doesn't know what goddess she claims to be or what has crafted her this way but Kildare admires her all the same. He admires her for the beauty that she is and he admires her for spirit, a recklessness in her that he even he can recognize despite his tender age. She giggles and he grins, the picture of boyish youth.

    Oh, if only he were a little older.

    She gives him a knowing glance and he knows that she's spied the appreciation in his gaze. The protocol that he has been raised by tells him that he should apologize. He shouldn't have looked at her so openly like that in the first place but he did. And the consequence doesn't reprimand him - if anything, it taunts his grin to spread a little wider. "What a shame," he drawls out, the tone of his words belie exactly what he thinks of that.

    And Kildare thinks he has a grip on the game. His reality is abruptly turned upside down as she reaches out to touch him, as her coloring shifts and the young stallion can only turn his dark head towards her. His gaze follows her as she moves down his spine, turning the tables on him very fast. Whatever playful quips and smart retorts he had are quickly forgotten by the explosion of electricity that lights on his skin.

    There is a silence after she speaks as Kildare tries to adjust himself from the withdrawal of her touch and he tries to regain some of that casualness he had before. His youth speaks volumes here - shows in the way that he struggles to find that composure. It takes him a painfully self-aware moment but he finds it and that grin threatens again, a mirror of her own. "Hard to be lost when the whole world is open to you."

    He hasn't thought about a kingdom yet, about where he would eventually end up. He still had time to make his mind up on those matters. But as Mary invites to reflect on that, he thinks this might be just the time to do so. "Could you?" his says in mock amazement, raising his brow to play along with his words.  But then he smiles and inclines his head to the side, inviting his rather alluring companion to walk with him. "Let's get some cover in those trees ahead and you can tell me more."


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    RE: stories on the tip of our tongues; mary - by kildare - 09-19-2019, 09:53 PM

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