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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  breaking like the waves down on the coastline; birthing, aodhan
    your waves are pulling me under
    i'm caught in your riptide
    She could never forget those emerald green eyes. Not since the first day she had met Aodhan. Even so, how could she ever forget the very first day they had met? It was one of the most magical days of her life. A memory she holds close to her heart.

    It was those emerald eyes that gave him away instantly. Eva blushes softly at his warm caress against her neck. Her golden eyes flicker across his golden spotted body. It was something new, something she had never exactly seen before. But all the same Aodhan was still the handsome charming stallion she had met in the waters of her home.

    Her gaze moves over to Loire at the mention of her name. She had considered the same thing Aodhan does now. Curious to see what sort of abilities their new daughter might have. Nothing had caused her to feel alarmed like she felt with Aeolus, but given time it could likely change. Eva doesn’t focus on that right now. At his comment, Eva pushes her muzzle into his neck and nudges him playfully. “Not in front of our daughter,” she says jokingly as her smile curves into a soft and amusing grin.

    Loire, still wide-eyed, stares up at the gold spotted stallion. She blinks when he says her name but her eyes instantly light up with admiration. The soft cream color filly moves her long limbs from underneath her and pushes all her strength into them as she attempts to stand up. At first everything feels off balance, she stumbles, almost falling back down onto the ground but Eva reaches out and catches her before she does. The purple nereid then pulls away, watching, and allowing Loire to find her balance and first steps into the world. On her second attempt it is easier, Loire finds the balance between her long limbs and hooves that anchor her into the soft sand.

    A smile of triumph grows across her cream-colored lips. “I did it!” She adds with excitement. Eva nudges the filly tenderly and then kisses her soft golden nose. “You did do it,” Eva says with happiness. At the mention of her brother's name, Loire’s brow furrows into confusion. Eva laughs softly at seeing Loire’s reaction. “You have an older brother, Loire. I think your father is right—he would love to meet you.”

    Eva glances to Aodhan with a quick smile before turning her attention towards the treeline. A soft call escapes her lips, and instantly a sunset colored yearling bursts through the tropical foliage just before she finishes. She should have expected that Aeolus would be hiding nearby—Aeolus had been on high alert ever since Eva’s belly swelled with new life.

    “Dad!” Aeolus calls as he makes his way quickly to them. The purple nereid smiles warmly when their son joins them. “Aeolus meet your new sister, Loire,” she says indicating towards the lightly colored filly at her side. Aeolus grins wide as he looks to his new sister. “Welcome to the family. It’s gonna be great having someone to hassle now—I mean play with!” His grin turns into a playful smile as he then looks towards Aodhan and Eva.
    dame of ischia

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    RE: breaking like the waves down on the coastline; birthing, aodhan - by Eva - 10-24-2019, 05:02 PM

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