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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  Never fallen from quite this high; Adria


    Adria had felt such an intense fear that day, even if she hadn’t shown it. Confronting Vulgaris (the tyrant) had taken every ounce of poised reserve the Nereid had honed over her years as an island leader. It’d taken her willpower and then some not to raise the oceans high around their peaceful sanctuary, because the thought of sumbersing Ischia entirely had been a very clear thought on that day. The way he spoke to her daughters - Pah!; such an arrogant, beta male maneuver. It would’ve pleased the water mare to watch him swept away by the currents, and she would not have exerted herself overmuch to prevent an eventual drowning.

    If he wanted their sea so badly, then so be it: to the sea he would belong. Forever.

    But Ivar and Jakub had surprised her. One loyal to nothing and no one but his sadistic ideals, though strangely enough those desires aligned with Adria’s dream of female expansion. The other was his own man, a warrior of Tephra who’s loyalty had been shaken in defense of herself and her children.

    In the thrill of that moment it’d felt like a win to her, a success, but in the aftermath Adria knows their island may reap further pain than reward from her headstrong actions. Walking up from the deep waters of the River, shivering ever so gently as the cold air bit into her glistening sea-scales, the Dame sighed remembering it all but comforted herself with resolve. She had done it for her children, for Ischia. It was the right thing to have done, then.

    Pausing, she looked every bit a nymph of the great oceans. Her legs were slender and they held almost no weight to them when they moved, liquid and graceful as the tide. Her body, given to foals three times over, held itself in a way that beckoned all eyes and genders with its ravenously beautiful symmetry and curves. When she angled her head left or right, the faint light of the gray winter day caught every lovely line; she seemed impossibly tranquil on land for something having just arisen from the riverbed.

    But now her eyes like molten gold were simmering with a heat that kept the bitter chill away; not far from where she’d surfaced was a stallion, waiting. Cheri, you called?” Her voice rose and fell lyrically, branding the impossibly large and sadistic-looking brute with a lover’s title. To see him was to love him: her Jakub had come looking for her and Adria would answer, this time.

    Oh my love, don't forsake me; Take what the water gave me

    @[Jakub] <3

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    RE: Never fallen from quite this high; Adria - by Adria - 11-08-2019, 07:52 PM

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